Game | Eavesdrop 2017-12-26

Game | Eavesdrop 2017-12-26

作者: 毛君 | 来源:发表于2017-12-26 13:51 被阅读0次

1. Something in the woods

  • Say no more, I'll be there soon.
  • (Chick-fil-A)是一家门店超过1,500家的快餐连锁公司,该公司每周日都会暂停营业,好让员工有时间跟家人在一起或去教堂做礼拜
  • She doesn't scare easy.
  • opossum 北美一种鼠
  • I'll cover that shift for you next Friday.
  • bc = because tho = though No prob.
  • Stay put!
  • I totally wouldn't buy this.

2. Baby Monitor

  • boondocks <美口> 偏僻地区;边远乡村地区
  • make my skin crawl
  • You wuss. 胆小鬼
  • moon boots 雪地靴
  • Hey, you up? 你还没睡吧?
  • static on the radio (广播或电视的) 静电噪音
  • Might I offer a suggestion?
  • My phone is running low on the battery.
    My phone is dying.
  • I'm bracing the door with the crib.
    How long is the door gonna hold?
  • exorcist 驱魔人
  • Floor it! 把油门踩到底

3. First Date

  • He just spent five minutes throwing compliments at me.
  • Is he giving off THAT vibe?
  • You think she picked on my vibe? I hope I didn't scare her off.
  • There was a big tussle with three of them.
  • He is in the police custody.
  • He was kind of hitting on me.

4. Something in the closet

  • since your dad took off (常指突然且出人意料地) 离开
  • Love you to the moon. And to Pluto.
  • There's a serial killer loose?
  • How come none of this has been on the news?
  • She threw a fit about me leaving tonight.
  • rabid werewolf 患狂犬病的
  • Robert ran out on his young wife. 罗伯特遗弃了他年轻的妻子。
  • These things run in family. 家族遗传
  • A very clingy child. 粘人的,过度依赖的
5. take cover

6. An eye for an eye

7. A cold case

8. Snuggle

  • GI doc 肠胃医生 gastrointestinal

9. snake

  • ID the body 认领尸体
  • off rte 66
    rte = route
  • Speaking of, you still dating Kelli? 讲到这个
  • someone up to no good
  • nugget 小块东西;快餐食品(如炸鸡块、炸鱼块等)
    gold nuggets
    a small nugget of butter
  • Laptop in one piece 完整
  1. Hey love, Adam (未完继续)
    We have a lot to catch on. 闺蜜互相更新近况
    Here's the smattering of them. 少许; 一点点
    I need a favor.
    Get on your feet. Up. 快站起来
    eyeliner 眼线笔
    earn some brownie points
    get your claws on 染指
    b/w = between
    w/ = with
    w/o = without
    w/e = whatever, or weekend
    The lady has her sights set on a young man. 看上某男



      本文标题:Game | Eavesdrop 2017-12-26
