

作者: 焕然一新_0f8a | 来源:发表于2019-02-22 09:56 被阅读0次






French Indochina Silver Dollar is one of the foreign silver dollars circulating in China at the end of Qing Dynasty and the beginning of Republic of China. Silver coins are sitting statues of the Goddess of Liberty on the front, wheat ears on the back, and "Trade Silver Dollar" and "French Indochina" in French.

The casting time of one circle began in 1885, and it was cast in Paris until 1928, totaling 43 years. From 1885 to 1895, the coins weighed 27.125 grams, which was called the "aggravated edition". From 1895 to 1928, the coins weighed 27 grams, which was called the "ordinary edition". It is noteworthy that 1895 was the year of the coincidence of the aggravated edition and the ordinary edition. There are also rumors that there was an "aggravated edition" in 1905. However, no real object has been found so far, and its authenticity can not be determined.

Although the image of "sitting in the ocean" is quite different from that of the halberd warriors who stood proudly at the bow in the "standing in the ocean" forged by Britain afterwards, there is no way to conceal the colonialists'ambition to carry out large-scale economic aggression.

Sitting in the ocean is different from standing in the ocean. It is named after the sitting British goddess on the front of the silver coin. The person standing in the ocean is standing. Ocean sitting is also called sitting, Faguang and Qijiao (because the wreath on the head of the Statue of Liberty cast on the front of this silver coin has seven beams of light). According to the "Yinyuan Tushuo" published in the People's Bank of China in 1952, its official name should be Annan Yinyuan. 坐洋属于法属印度支那贸易银元,是清末在华流通的外国银元之一。

Recently, the coin was not a commercial silver coin minted and circulated by the government at that time, but a private coin. What's more, the difference between the positive and negative sides of the coin is obviously 180 degrees. It's also a wrong version of the coin because of the limited production technology at that time. It is obvious that the peculiarity, importance, rarity and unique edition of this coin have enhanced its collection value!!!


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