上篇以服务端(soul-admin)视角,分析了增量同步(推),数据监听被拉的过程。 本篇以客户端(soul-bootstrap)视角,分析下他是怎么拉数据的。
- 启动配置与初始化
- 启动开启线程
HttpSyncDataService中会调用start方法,会全量拉去信息 + 开启线程池监听数据变化。
private void start() {
// 防止启动多次的cas锁操作
if (RUNNING.compareAndSet(false, true)) {
// 启动时,全量拉取数据
int threadSize = serverList.size();
// 根据soul-admin数量开启相同线程数的线程线程池,轮询监听
this.executor = new ThreadPoolExecutor(threadSize, threadSize, 60L, TimeUnit.SECONDS,
new LinkedBlockingQueue<>(),
SoulThreadFactory.create("http-long-polling", true));
// 开启监听线程,每一个线程监听soul-admin
this.serverList.forEach(server -> this.executor.execute(new HttpLongPollingTask(server)));
} else {
log.info("soul http long polling was started, executor=[{}]", executor);
- 循环向所有soul-admin去拉去数据,具体拉数据的请求逻辑在doFetchGroupConfig
private void fetchGroupConfig(final ConfigGroupEnum... groups) throws SoulException {
for (int index = 0; index < this.serverList.size(); index++) {
String server = serverList.get(index);
try {
this.doFetchGroupConfig(server, groups);
} catch (SoulException e) {
// no available server, throw exception.
if (index >= serverList.size() - 1) {
throw e;
log.warn("fetch config fail, try another one: {}", serverList.get(index + 1));
- doFetchGroupConfig中对单一soul-admin的多组,进行循环调用后台的
接口, 拿到某个类型的数据, 并更新缓存。 - 更新缓存前会检测是否变动, 如果变动则结束, 数据未发生变动、远端数据过期则睡眠30s ,由于是第一次启动, 数据为空的情况下肯定会更新缓存, 所以会直接结束)
private void doFetchGroupConfig(final String server, final ConfigGroupEnum... groups) {
StringBuilder params = new StringBuilder();
// 根据ConfigGroupEnum循环拉取每组的数据,组指的是plugin、rule、selector 等
for (ConfigGroupEnum groupKey : groups) {
// 请求后台soul-admin的地址
String url = server + "/configs/fetch?" + StringUtils.removeEnd(params.toString(), "&");
log.info("request configs: [{}]", url);
String json = null;
try {
json = this.httpClient.getForObject(url, String.class);
} catch (RestClientException e) {
String message = String.format("fetch config fail from server[%s], %s", url, e.getMessage());
throw new SoulException(message, e);
// 后台拉取数据成功,更新缓存数据,并返回是否更新成功
boolean updated = this.updateCacheWithJson(json);
if (updated) {
log.info("get latest configs: [{}]", json);
// 没有发生更新,或是远端已经过期,则睡30s
log.info("The config of the server[{}] has not been updated or is out of date. Wait for 30s to listen for changes again.", server);
ThreadUtils.sleep(TimeUnit.SECONDS, 30);
- updateCacheWithJson反序列化json
* update local cache.
* @param json the response from config server.
* @return true: the local cache was updated. false: not updated.
private boolean updateCacheWithJson(final String json) {
JsonObject jsonObject = GSON.fromJson(json, JsonObject.class);
JsonObject data = jsonObject.getAsJsonObject("data");
// 调用更新方法
return factory.executor(data);
- DataRefreshFactory$executor,调用各类型数据刷新类
public boolean executor(final JsonObject data) {
final boolean[] success = {false};
// 所有数据类型循环的 DataRefresh 全调用
ENUM_MAP.values().parallelStream().forEach(dataRefresh -> success[0] = dataRefresh.refresh(data));
return success[0];
- AbstractDataRefresh$refresh, 调用各AbstractDataRefresh实现类的updateCacheIfNeed判断数据是否有更新,如果有更新调用各自的refresh方法更新数据
- refresh中调用响应的数据更新事件
public Boolean refresh(final JsonObject data) {
boolean updated = false;
JsonObject jsonObject = convert(data);
if (null != jsonObject) {
ConfigData<T> result = fromJson(jsonObject);
// 判断不同类型数据是否更新
if (this.updateCacheIfNeed(result)) {
updated = true;
// 实际刷新逻辑
return updated;
- 网关启动时调用start方法,start中开启线程池调用HttpLongPollingTask
- 在HttpLongPollingTask$run中循环调用doLongPolling,实现重试3次的调用。每次低啊用失败,则睡五秒再调用。
public void run() {
while (RUNNING.get()) {
// 循环重试测试调用
for (int time = 1; time <= retryTimes; time++) {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
// 调用失败,就沉睡5秒,进行重试再次调用
if (time < retryTimes) {
log.warn("Long polling failed, tried {} times, {} times left, will be suspended for a while! {}",
time, retryTimes - time, e.getMessage());
ThreadUtils.sleep(TimeUnit.SECONDS, 5);
log.error("Long polling failed, try again after 5 minutes!", e);
ThreadUtils.sleep(TimeUnit.MINUTES, 5);
log.warn("Stop http long polling.");
- HttpLongPollingTask$doLongPolling,发送数据更新签名到soul-admin进行验证,判断数据是否更新,如果已更新,网关得到相应结果,则调用数据拉去方法进行更新
private void doLongPolling(final String server) {
// 从缓存中获取数据
MultiValueMap<String, String> params = new LinkedMultiValueMap<>(8);
for (ConfigGroupEnum group : ConfigGroupEnum.values()) {
ConfigData<?> cacheConfig = factory.cacheConfigData(group);
// 生成本地数据更新签名,用于与远端验证,减少传输数据量
String value = String.join(",", cacheConfig.getMd5(), String.valueOf(cacheConfig.getLastModifyTime()));
params.put(group.name(), Lists.newArrayList(value));
// 构建 http 请求信息
HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders();
HttpEntity httpEntity = new HttpEntity(params, headers);
String listenerUrl = server + "/configs/listener";
log.debug("request listener configs: [{}]", listenerUrl);
JsonArray groupJson = null;
try {
String json = this.httpClient.postForEntity(listenerUrl, httpEntity, String.class).getBody();
groupJson = GSON.fromJson(json, JsonObject.class).getAsJsonArray("data");
} catch (RestClientException e) {
String message = String.format("listener configs fail, server:[%s], %s", server, e.getMessage());
throw new SoulException(message, e);
// 得到变化的类型
if (groupJson != null) {
ConfigGroupEnum[] changedGroups = GSON.fromJson(groupJson, ConfigGroupEnum[].class);
if (ArrayUtils.isNotEmpty(changedGroups)) {
log.info("Group config changed: {}", Arrays.toString(changedGroups));
// 拉取后台对应类型的数据
this.doFetchGroupConfig(server, changedGroups);
- 通过这两篇的分析,发现数据更新主要是三个触发点
- 日拱一卒,收拾下上班
- soul的四大块: 数据同步、插件、客户端注解、指标监控,下一个写点啥?