角色 · 黑墙(Blackwall)

角色 · 黑墙(Blackwall)

作者: Mr_Blacky | 来源:发表于2017-05-10 17:12 被阅读0次

我对灰袍Blackwall知道的并不多。据我们了解到,在灰袍治安官Fontaine从其前任手中接下灰卫指挥官的位置后,他成为了灰卫在Val Chevin的治安官。他也获得过Valor的Silverite之翼这项荣誉,它一般授予奥莱灰袍中拥有英勇事迹的人。然而,让Blackwall获得Silverite之翼的那次行动细节却十分粗略。灰袍守卫严密的隐藏了他们的秘密。在第五次枯潮结束不久之后,深渊之路位于奥莱的入口发生了一场保卫战,这个勋章极有可能用于奖励战斗的英雄。一些灰卫在那场战役中失去了生命,可能如果没有Blackwall,牺牲的人会更多。

根据我的情报,灰袍Blackwall如今已经独自旅行了很久。上一个人看见他在Val Chevin的堡垒时,还是龙腾纪年37年。这座堡垒像其他灰袍前哨站一样,已经被遗弃了。我相信灰袍对于这些前哨站的消失就像我们一样好奇。




我汇集了Thomas Rainier的一切资料。请查看。


下面是Thomas Rainier的经历,由蕾丽安娜修女呈送:

Rainier出生于自由境中一座名为Markham的城邦。很少有关于他早年的信息,只知道他十八岁便已经是一名技术娴熟的战士。为了取得荣誉,他加入了那场名为Grand Tourney的比武大赛。他在混战中获胜,他不仅证明了自己还获得了大量金子。


Rainier是一个卓越的士兵,他很快就成为一名队长,拥有一支多人的小队。Rainier的人对他都非常忠诚。我们的情报显示,他们中的许多甚至愿意为了他的话违抗上级的命令。Rainier保护着他下属们的利益,但更深入的调查揭示,他首要关心的是自己的升迁和利益。Rainier敛财的欲望证明,他很可能与Vincent Callier领主全家的灭门惨案有关。我们的情报显示一个名为Ser Robert Chapuis的骑士接近了Rainier。Ser Robert支持Duke Gaspard大公称王,他想通过抹除Celene的一位忠实同盟——Callier领主来加入大公。Chapuis雇佣Rainier去刺杀Callier,并支付他大量的钱。我们没有理由相信他的行动是出于政治动机。在9:35年的春天,Callier一家去他们位于Celestine湖边的避暑山庄度假,而就是在那他们遭到了埋伏。我们不知道Rainier意识到Callier是带着全家来度假的。Rainier和他的手下屠杀了Callier领主以及随行的所有人;他们甚至没有放过四个小于十三岁的孩子。


Thom Rainier被贴上了叛徒和罪犯的标签,并且至今未被逮捕。



I do not have much on Warden Blackwall. We know he became Constable of the Grey in Val Chevin after Warden-Constable Fontaine assumed the position of Commander of the Grey from her predecessor. He also bears the Silverite Wings of Valor, an honor bestowed upon Orlesian Wardens for deeds of great daring. The details of the act for which Blackwall earned the Silverite Wings, however, are sketchy. Grey Wardens hide their secrets well. The medal was likely awarded for a campaign to secure Deep Roads entrances within Orlais, shortly after the Fifth Blight. Several Grey Wardens lost ther lives on that campaign; perhaps more would be dead if not for Blackwall. 

According to my sources, Warden Blackwall has been traveling alone for several years now. The last anyone saw him at the keep in Val Chevin, it was 9:37 Dragon. It has been completely abandoned, along with all other Warden outposts. I believe Blackwall is as curious about this disappearance as we are. Perhaps in time, we will find answers. 


Constable of the Grey, Silverite Wings of Valor—hardly relevant now. They are Warden Blackwall's achievements, and the man we thought to be him was someone else entirely. It explains why I had scant information on Blackwall. He must have been lying low for years.

 I compiled everything I had on Thomas Rainier. Read on. 


What follows is a history of Thomas Rainier, prepared for delivery by Sister Leliana: 

Rainier was born in Markham, a city-state in the Free Marches. There is little information on his early life, but he was already a skilled warrior by the time he turned eighteen. Hoping to make his fortune, he joined the Grand Tourney, that great Marcher contest of arms. He won the melee, proving himself and earning a substantial sum of gold. 

What happened to the coin Rainier won in the Tourney is a mystery. Two years later, he appeared in Orlais, no richer than at eighteen. Still, he leveraged his abilities and lingering fame to gain a place in the Orlesian army.

Rainier excelled as a soldier, rising through the ranks quickly to become a captain with a number of men under him. Rainier's men were fiercely loyal. Our sources believe that many would have gladly defied a higher command at his word. On the surface, Rainier safeguarded his men's interests, but further investigation reveals that he was primarily concerned with his own advancement and profit. 

Rainier's desire to amass a fortune likely explains his involvement in the massacre of Lord Vincent Callier and his family. Our sources tell us that Rainier was approached by a chevalier: Ser Robert Chapuis. Ser Robert supported Grand Duke Gaspard's claim to the throne and wished to enter into his good graces by eliminating Lord Callier, one of Celene's staunchest allies. Chapuis hired Rainier to assassinate Callier, and offered him a great deal of coin for it. We have no reason to believe his actions were politically motivated. In the spring of 9:35, Lord Callier and his family were traveling to their summer home on Lake Celestine when their caravan was ambushed. It is unknown if Rainier realized that Callier would be traveling with his family. Rainier and his men slaughtered Lord Callier and his entourage; they spared not even the children, all four under the age of thirteen. 

It seems that none of Rainier's men were aware of the true reasons behind the lord's killing. They simply followed Rainier's orders. Rumors of Rainier's connection to the murders began swirling through the upper ranks of the army, and must have given him forewarning; he was gone when guards came to arrest him. His men, however, were not so lucky. Almost all were charged with treason, save a few who managed to get away. 

Thom Rainier was labeled a traitor and a criminal, but remained at large until now.


  • 角色 · 黑墙(Blackwall)


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      本文标题:角色 · 黑墙(Blackwall)
