

作者: 老王 | 来源:发表于2016-12-05 07:40 被阅读76次

    (1)28 OCT —— Pertinent
    平地滚雷,2016年美国大选难逃宿命,再次出现十月震惊(October Surprise):十月二十八日,联邦调查局主席科米向参议院司法委员会提交信函,要求重启对希拉里”邮件门“的调查。
    ("the FBI has learned of the existence of emails that appear to be pertinent to the investigation")
    “相关”一词,科米舍弃常用词 relevant,用上了正式的 pertinent 。
    (Lookups for 'pertinent' spiked after James Comey used it to describe emails that might be relevant to the investigation into Hillary Clinton's email practices.)
    该词首次出现在十四世纪的英文书写中,表示与某一事有决定性的关联。(Pertinent itself is first attested to in written English in the 14th century. It refers to having decisive relevance to a matter)
    (2)31 oct —— Mother lode

    (“This could be the mother lode.”)

    此话一出,即被广为报道,而所用的这个词”mother lode“,也成了网上词典的查询大热。
    (Mother lode spiked in lookups on October 31 following a widely reported remark made by Donald Trump at a campaign stop.)
    lode 一词,可追溯到古英语,意思是路径、航道或水道、运河,十八世纪中期,用于采矿淘金,表示某地埋藏着大量金、银或石英矿石,可供开采。而在特普朗的句子中,该词字面意思为“主要的来源”(含义则为“主要证据”)。
    (“Lode” goes back to an Old English word that meant “path,” “waterway,” or “canal.” It originally was used in reference to mining, meaning “the place where the largest amount of gold, silver, etc. in a particular area can be found,” and referred to underground ore deposits known as lodes or veins. Mother lode in this context means “a principal source or supply.”

    (3)2 NOV —— Innuendo

    (I do think that there is a norm that when there are investigations we don’t operate on innuendo, and we don’t operate on incomplete information, and we don’t operate on leaks.)

    innuendo,即成为当日的查询热词。该词与 hint 和 insinuation 为同义词,暗示别人做了不道德或者不正派的事。(Innuendo means “a statement which indirectly suggests that someone has done something immoral, improper, etc.” and is a synonym of hint or insinuation. )

    中文里,含沙射影明显有贬义,比喻暗中攻击或陷害人;而英文中该词并非贬义词(derogatory),有影射而无含沙 —— 看来,奥巴马还算克制,只是含蓄地批评了FBI的做法。

    (4)8 NOV —— Acrimonious

    有趣的是,当日列为榜首的热词竟是 acrimonious —— 令人痛苦的。
    (A number of newspapers and media groups used the word in covering the finale of the presidential election.)

    Election Day: An acrimonious race reaches its endpoint
    —The Washington Post (headline), 8 Nov. 2016

    (American are casting their verdicts on Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump Tuesday after an exhausting, acrimonious campaign that at times revolted the nation and tore at its fabric.
    —Stephen Collinson, CNN.com, 8 Nov. 2016)

    (as does the bile in the gorge of one who has supped overmuch on an unpalatable meal. )


    (5)8 NOV —— Bellwether
    难受也好,痛苦也好,选举还是照常进行,而人们也还是怀着焦虑的心情关注着任何反应票数变化的迹象,等待着投票结果。故选举当日,另一个热词出现了:bellwether —— 票数领先者。
    (Nevada’s bellwether status is on the line Tuesday as voters in the key Western swing state chose between Democrat Hillary Clinton and Republican Donald Trump.
    —CBSlocal.com, 8 Nov. 2016)
    (Bellwether has been in use in English for over 700 years, although the sense in which it is currently found is typically a highly figurative one. The original sense of the word was to describe a sheep or wether (a castrated male sheep), who wore a bell and led the flock. From this original sense the word took on the meaning of “one that takes the lead or initiative,” and from there assumed its present-day sense designating “an indicator of trends.)


    (We have casted our vote,have you ?)

    这下不得了了,许多人立即上网查询 cast 能不能一反常规,写作 casted,致使这个再常用不过的普通词,摇身列入当日热查榜。
    (Many people turned to their dictionaries in the early afternoon of Election Day, November 8th, 2016, after Mike Pence, the Republican vice-presidential candidate, tweeted an unorthodox variant of the past sense of the verb cast.)


    **(6)9 NOV —— Nationalism **
    谁知第二天,令人费解的是 Nationalism —— 民族主义,突然当选热词 。
    (Lookups for nationalism increased on November 9, following the election)

    四天后,13 NOV,该词再次成为大热,原因是当选总统特朗普宣布准备起用另类右派人士班农,而班浓使人联想到了白人民族主义。
    (they spiked again on November 13, when Trump announced the appointment of Steve Bannon, an alt-right figure associated with white nationalism)

    又隔了两天,15 NOV ,这个词再次位于热查榜首,且更具含意,因为总统奥巴马在雅典的新闻发布会上发出了警告:

    (We are going to have to guard against a rise in a crude sort of nationalism, or ethnic identity or tribalism that is built around an us and a them, and I will never apologize for saying that the future of humanity and the future of the world is going to be defined by what we have in common, as opposed to those things that separate us and ultimately lead us into conflict.)


    (7)10 NOV —— Misogynyn
    是的,就拿他对女性的态度来说事,'Misogyny' —— 憎恶女性 ,就在选举结束后的第一天,9 NOV ,开始在网络上被大量查询。隔了一天,,10 NOV ,查询该词的热情更是有增无减,因为各种新闻报道和社交媒体都在反复使用这个单词。
    (Misogyny was among the top lookups on November 9, 2016, the morning after Donald Trump’s presidential victory. The word spiked still higher on November 10, as the word appeared repeatedly in news articles and on social media.)
    (The word was used in headlines for editorials:)

    Misogyny now has the White House seal of approval
    —The Boston Globe

    Why misogyny was The Donald’s trump card
    —The Telegraph

    Panel: What does the US election result say about misogyny?
    —The Guardian

    The easy thing is to keep your head down & let the bullies run amok. The right thing to do is to challenge racism, misogyny and hatred.

    Acting with love and kindness is to NOT keep an open mind about hatred, NOT normalize racism, bigotry and misogyny. I can’t equivocate.
    — rosanne cash (@rosannecash) November 10, 2016


    (8)14 NOV —— fascism
    有一个令全世界闻之毛骨悚然的词 fascism —— 法西斯主义 ,竟然如影相伴于特朗普的整个选举活动——该词在网络词典上的查询次数,2016年比2015年高出4.5倍。特别是选举日当晚,该词仍然高居于榜首或接近榜首。
    (Fascist is a word that was used heavily in coverage of Trump's election and people have been looking up in the dictionary frequently for over a year. And lookups for 'Fascism' Trending 4.5x Higher than last Year. Following election night, the word has consistently been at or near the top of the list of words being looked up in real time.)

    主要新闻媒体和相关网站如时代周刊,路透社,Buzzfeed 等也一再使用或引用这一单词,其中包括共和党战略家 John Weaver 的推特,该推特一经推出,立即爆走网络 :
    (The word was also heavily used on social media, including a viral tweet from Republican strategist John Weaver:)

    (The racist, fascist extreme right is represented footsteps from the Oval Office. Be very vigilant America.)

    (9)14 NOV —— gregarious / Pragmatic
    (On Monday afternoon, President Obama gave his first press conference after Donald Trump won the 2016 presidential election. During the press conference, he called Trump “gregarious”, causing lookups to spike 3735% over the hourly average. He also caused lookups for pragmatic to spike 13000% over the hourly average.)

    “社交型的”(gregarious),说明特朗普性格外向,但是不是也暗指其胸无成竹、口无遮拦?而对“实用主义”(pragmatic)一词的热查,表明了网民们对特朗普的思想体系实在有点捉摸不透,因为奥巴马在讲话中认为特朗普是所有当选总统中最少具体政策的一位。(Mr. Obama also said he thought that Mr. Trump was entering office with fewer set policy ideas than other presidents-elect. )

    “I don’t think he is ideological,“ Mr. Obama said. “I think ultimately he is pragmatic.)

    (The Latin word we borrowed pragmatic from means "skilled in law or business”. The earliest English meanings of pragmatic were less than complimentary: it was used as a synonym of officious and opinionated, but those meanings have fallen out of current use.

    特别是奥巴马把实用主义(pragmatic)和思想体系(ideology)对比使用,在评论当选总统的同时,又连带把和“ideo”相关的三个单词,ideologue(意识形态的拥护者), ideology(思想意识), 以及ideological(思想体系的),在14日晚和15日上午,送上了热查榜。
    (A triumvirate of ideo- words spiked on the evening of November 14th, and through the following morning, as comments made by Barack Obama about president-elect Donald Trump sent many people to the dictionary in search of the precise meanings of ideologue, ideology, and ideological.)



    [ 说明:本文所选之“热查单词”,出自美国权威词典《韦伯英语词典》的在线词典(merriam-webster.com)所作之统计。点击下面链接,可转至该网站,以作进一步浏览、学习之用。



