
作者: nit小星星 | 来源:发表于2019-02-25 09:15 被阅读4次


package consensus

type PBFT interface {

StartConsensus(request *RequestMsg) (*PrePrepareMsg, error)

PrePrepare(prePrepareMsg *PrePrepareMsg) (*VoteMsg, error)

Prepare(prepareMsg *VoteMsg) (*VoteMsg, error)

Commit(commitMsg *VoteMsg) (*ReplyMsg, *RequestMsg, error)



package consensus

type RequestMsg struct {

Timestamp  int64  `json:"timestamp"`

ClientID  string `json:"clientID"`

Operation  string `json:"operation"`

SequenceID int64  `json:"sequenceID"`


type ReplyMsg struct {

ViewID    int64  `json:"viewID"`

Timestamp int64  `json:"timestamp"`

ClientID  string `json:"clientID"`

NodeID    string `json:"nodeID"`

Result    string `json:"result"`


type PrePrepareMsg struct {

ViewID    int64      `json:"viewID"`

SequenceID int64      `json:"sequenceID"`

Digest    string      `json:"digest"`

RequestMsg *RequestMsg `json:"requestMsg"`


type VoteMsg struct {

ViewID    int64  `json:"viewID"`

SequenceID int64  `json:"sequenceID"`

Digest    string `json:"digest"`

NodeID    string `json:"nodeID"`

MsgType          `json:"msgType"`


type MsgType int

const (

PrepareMsg MsgType = iota




package consensus

import (




func Hash(content []byte) string {

h := sha256.New()


return hex.EncodeToString(h.Sum(nil))




package consensus

import (






type State struct {

ViewID        int64

MsgLogs        *MsgLogs

LastSequenceID int64

CurrentStage  Stage


type MsgLogs struct {

ReqMsg        *RequestMsg

PrepareMsgs  map[string]*VoteMsg

CommitMsgs    map[string]*VoteMsg


type Stage int

const (

Idle        Stage = iota // Node is created successfully, but the consensus process is not started yet.

PrePrepared              // The ReqMsgs is processed successfully. The node is ready to head to the Prepare stage.

Prepared                // Same with `prepared` stage explained in the original paper.

Committed                // Same with `committed-local` stage explained in the original paper.


// f: # of Byzantine faulty node

// f = (n­1) / 3

// n = 4, in this case.

const f = 1



// lastSequenceID will be -1 if there is no last sequence ID.

func CreateState(viewID int64, lastSequenceID int64) *State {

return &State{

ViewID: viewID,

MsgLogs: &MsgLogs{





LastSequenceID: lastSequenceID,

CurrentStage: Idle,



func (state *State) StartConsensus(request *RequestMsg) (*PrePrepareMsg, error) {

// `sequenceID` will be the index of this message.

sequenceID := time.Now().UnixNano()

// Find the unique and largest number for the sequence ID

if state.LastSequenceID != -1 {

for state.LastSequenceID >= sequenceID {

sequenceID += 1



// Assign a new sequence ID to the request message object.

request.SequenceID = sequenceID

// Save ReqMsgs to its logs.

state.MsgLogs.ReqMsg = request

// Get the digest of the request message

digest, err := digest(request)

if err != nil {


return nil, err


// Change the stage to pre-prepared.

state.CurrentStage = PrePrepared

return &PrePrepareMsg{

ViewID: state.ViewID,

SequenceID: sequenceID,

Digest: digest,

RequestMsg: request,

}, nil


func (state *State) PrePrepare(prePrepareMsg *PrePrepareMsg) (*VoteMsg, error) {

// Get ReqMsgs and save it to its logs like the primary.

state.MsgLogs.ReqMsg = prePrepareMsg.RequestMsg

// Verify if v, n(a.k.a. sequenceID), d are correct.

if !state.verifyMsg(prePrepareMsg.ViewID, prePrepareMsg.SequenceID, prePrepareMsg.Digest) {

return nil, errors.New("pre-prepare message is corrupted")


// Change the stage to pre-prepared.

state.CurrentStage = PrePrepared

return &VoteMsg{

ViewID: state.ViewID,

SequenceID: prePrepareMsg.SequenceID,

Digest: prePrepareMsg.Digest,

MsgType: PrepareMsg,

}, nil


func (state *State) Prepare(prepareMsg *VoteMsg) (*VoteMsg, error){

if !state.verifyMsg(prepareMsg.ViewID, prepareMsg.SequenceID, prepareMsg.Digest) {

return nil, errors.New("prepare message is corrupted")


// Append msg to its logs

state.MsgLogs.PrepareMsgs[prepareMsg.NodeID] = prepareMsg

// Print current voting status

fmt.Printf("[Prepare-Vote]: %d\n", len(state.MsgLogs.PrepareMsgs))

if state.prepared() {

// Change the stage to prepared.

state.CurrentStage = Prepared

return &VoteMsg{

ViewID: state.ViewID,

SequenceID: prepareMsg.SequenceID,

Digest: prepareMsg.Digest,

MsgType: CommitMsg,

}, nil


return nil, nil


func (state *State) Commit(commitMsg *VoteMsg) (*ReplyMsg, *RequestMsg, error) {

if !state.verifyMsg(commitMsg.ViewID, commitMsg.SequenceID, commitMsg.Digest) {

return nil, nil, errors.New("commit message is corrupted")


// Append msg to its logs

state.MsgLogs.CommitMsgs[commitMsg.NodeID] = commitMsg

// Print current voting status

fmt.Printf("[Commit-Vote]: %d\n", len(state.MsgLogs.CommitMsgs))

if state.committed() {

// This node executes the requested operation locally and gets the result.

result := "Executed"

// Change the stage to prepared.

state.CurrentStage = Committed

return &ReplyMsg{

ViewID: state.ViewID,

Timestamp: state.MsgLogs.ReqMsg.Timestamp,

ClientID: state.MsgLogs.ReqMsg.ClientID,

Result: result,

}, state.MsgLogs.ReqMsg, nil


return nil, nil, nil


func (state *State) verifyMsg(viewID int64, sequenceID int64, digestGot string) bool {

// Wrong view. That is, wrong configurations of peers to start the consensus.

if state.ViewID != viewID {

return false


// Check if the Primary sent fault sequence number. => Faulty primary.

// TODO: adopt upper/lower bound check.

if state.LastSequenceID != -1 {

if state.LastSequenceID >= sequenceID {

return false



digest, err := digest(state.MsgLogs.ReqMsg)

if err != nil {


return false


// Check digest.

if digestGot != digest {

return false


return true


func (state *State) prepared() bool {

if state.MsgLogs.ReqMsg == nil {

return false


if len(state.MsgLogs.PrepareMsgs) < 2*f {

return false


return true


func (state *State) committed() bool {

if !state.prepared() {

return false


if len(state.MsgLogs.CommitMsgs) < 2*f {

return false


return true


func digest(object interface{}) (string, error) {

msg, err := json.Marshal(object)

if err != nil {

return "", err


return Hash(msg), nil




func CreateState(viewID int64, lastSequenceID int64) *State {

return &State{

ViewID: viewID,

MsgLogs: &MsgLogs{





LastSequenceID: lastSequenceID,

CurrentStage: Idle,



这个viewid lastseq是出块者的身份证和上一次出块的序列号,就相当于排队领号。这个seq使用Linux时间。



func (state *State) StartConsensus(request *RequestMsg) (*PrePrepareMsg, error) {

// `sequenceID` will be the index of this message.

sequenceID := time.Now().UnixNano()

// Find the unique and largest number for the sequence ID

if state.LastSequenceID != -1 {

for state.LastSequenceID >= sequenceID {

sequenceID += 1



// Assign a new sequence ID to the request message object.

request.SequenceID = sequenceID

// Save ReqMsgs to its logs.

state.MsgLogs.ReqMsg = request

// Get the digest of the request message

digest, err := digest(request)

if err != nil {


return nil, err


// Change the stage to pre-prepared.

state.CurrentStage = PrePrepared

return &PrePrepareMsg{

ViewID: state.ViewID,

SequenceID: sequenceID,

Digest: digest,

RequestMsg: request,

}, nil



func (state *State) PrePrepare(prePrepareMsg *PrePrepareMsg) (*VoteMsg, error) {

// Get ReqMsgs and save it to its logs like the primary.

state.MsgLogs.ReqMsg = prePrepareMsg.RequestMsg

// Verify if v, n(a.k.a. sequenceID), d are correct.

if !state.verifyMsg(prePrepareMsg.ViewID, prePrepareMsg.SequenceID, prePrepareMsg.Digest) {

return nil, errors.New("pre-prepare message is corrupted")


// Change the stage to pre-prepared.

state.CurrentStage = PrePrepared

return &VoteMsg{

ViewID: state.ViewID,

SequenceID: prePrepareMsg.SequenceID,

Digest: prePrepareMsg.Digest,

MsgType: PrepareMsg,

}, nil



func (state *State) Prepare(prepareMsg *VoteMsg) (*VoteMsg, error){

if !state.verifyMsg(prepareMsg.ViewID, prepareMsg.SequenceID, prepareMsg.Digest) {

return nil, errors.New("prepare message is corrupted")


// Append msg to its logs

state.MsgLogs.PrepareMsgs[prepareMsg.NodeID] = prepareMsg

// Print current voting status

fmt.Printf("[Prepare-Vote]: %d\n", len(state.MsgLogs.PrepareMsgs))

if state.prepared() {

// Change the stage to prepared.

state.CurrentStage = Prepared

return &VoteMsg{

ViewID: state.ViewID,

SequenceID: prepareMsg.SequenceID,

Digest: prepareMsg.Digest,

MsgType: CommitMsg,

}, nil


return nil, nil


里面有verfi 和if prepared()函数


func (state *State) prepared() bool {

if state.MsgLogs.ReqMsg == nil {

return false


if len(state.MsgLogs.PrepareMsgs) < 2*f {

return false


return true


func (state *State) verifyMsg(viewID int64, sequenceID int64, digestGot string) bool {

// Wrong view. That is, wrong configurations of peers to start the consensus.

if state.ViewID != viewID {

return false


// Check if the Primary sent fault sequence number. => Faulty primary.

// TODO: adopt upper/lower bound check.

if state.LastSequenceID != -1 {

if state.LastSequenceID >= sequenceID {

return false



digest, err := digest(state.MsgLogs.ReqMsg)

if err != nil {


return false


// Check digest.

if digestGot != digest {

return false


return true




func (state *State) Commit(commitMsg *VoteMsg) (*ReplyMsg, *RequestMsg, error) {

if !state.verifyMsg(commitMsg.ViewID, commitMsg.SequenceID, commitMsg.Digest) {

return nil, nil, errors.New("commit message is corrupted")


// Append msg to its logs

state.MsgLogs.CommitMsgs[commitMsg.NodeID] = commitMsg

// Print current voting status

fmt.Printf("[Commit-Vote]: %d\n", len(state.MsgLogs.CommitMsgs))

if state.committed() {

// This node executes the requested operation locally and gets the result.

result := "Executed"

// Change the stage to prepared.

state.CurrentStage = Committed

return &ReplyMsg{

ViewID: state.ViewID,

Timestamp: state.MsgLogs.ReqMsg.Timestamp,

ClientID: state.MsgLogs.ReqMsg.ClientID,

Result: result,

}, state.MsgLogs.ReqMsg, nil


return nil, nil, nil


func (state *State) committed() bool {

if !state.prepared() {

return false


if len(state.MsgLogs.CommitMsgs) < 2*f {

return false


return true



func digest(object interface{}) (string, error) {

msg, err := json.Marshal(object)

if err != nil {

return "", err


return Hash(msg), nil




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