Yesterday Once More

Yesterday Once More

作者: Hedgehog_View | 来源:发表于2023-04-13 22:44 被阅读0次

    When my prettygirl cried to her father for a flute which is used for her exam of art, the painful scenery which I spent several years to try my best to forget is appearing again.That feeling is rather terrible.The two sceneries are extremely similar."I can not pay for it because my life burden is very hard!""Sorry! I bought one set of apartment so I didn't have enough money to bring you to hospital and I raise my baby as well."

    Maybe It is rather difficult to find the other person such like him in the world. According to the rules of being normal logics, anyone would try his best to give the necessary helping to his parents and baby.but he can spin lots of reasons to avoid perfectly his responsibilities shouldered on him.His existence is also tested one funny old saying "The forest is very big,where you can find various kinds of birds"

    Do hope every child and old people would accompany with good person.They should get the best life and we should care about them giving them love  and the prompt helping.

    Dated on April.13.2023

    Weather: Cloudy



          本文标题:Yesterday Once More
