

作者: Wendy的书单 | 来源:发表于2020-01-23 15:09 被阅读0次


    airport     n.  /ˈeəpɔːt/ 

    a place where planes land and take off and that has buildings for passengers to wait in航空站;航空港;机场

      ...Heathrow Airport, the busiest international airport in the world. …希斯罗飞机场——世界上最繁忙的国际机场。

    • waiting in the airport lounge在机场候机厅等候

    all     adj./det.      /ɔːl/ 

    1.( used with plural nouns. The noun may have the, this, that, my, her, his, etc. in front of it, or a number.与复数名词连用。名词前可用the、this、that、my、her、his等,也可用数词。 ) the whole number of 所有;全部;全体;一切

    •All horses are animals, but not all animals are horses.所有的马都是动物,但并不是所有的动物都是马。 

    •Cars were coming from all directions (= every direction) .汽车从四面八方驶来。 

    •All the people you invited are coming.你邀请的人都会来。 

    •All my plants have died.我的花草全死光了。 

    •All five men are hard workers.五个人全都工作努力。 


    ( used with uncountable nouns. The noun may have the, this, that, my, her, his, etc. in front of it.与不可数名词连用。名词前可用the、this、that、my、her、his等。 ) the whole amount of 所有;全部;一切

    •All wood tends to shrink.所有的木头都会收缩。 

    •You've had all the fun and I've had all the hard work.所有的快乐都让你享受了,所有的辛苦都让我尝尽了。 

    •All this mail must be answered.所有这些信件都必须回复。 

    •He has lost all his money.他失去了所有的钱。 


    used with singular nouns showing sth has been happening for a whole period of time(与单数名词连用,表示某事在某段时间内持续发生)全部的,整个的

    •He's worked hard all year.他一年到头都在辛勤劳动。 

    •She was unemployed for all that time.那段时间她一直失业。 

    all.   pron


    the whole number or amount所有;全部;全体;一切

    •All of the food has gone.食物全光了。

    •They've eaten all of it.他们全吃光了。 

    •They've eaten it all.他们吃得一点儿也没剩。 

    •I invited some of my colleagues but not all.我邀请了一些同事,并不是所有的。 

    •Not all of them were invited.他们当中并不是人人都受到邀请。 

    •All of them enjoyed the party.他们都喜欢那次聚会。 

    •They all enjoyed it.他们都喜欢。 

    •His last movie was best of all.他最近的那部电影是他所有电影中最好的。 


    ( followed by a relative clause, often without that后接常不带that的关系从句 ) the only thing; everything 唯一的事物;所有的事物;一切

    •All I want is peace and quiet.我只要和平安宁。 

    •It was all that I had.那就是我所有的一切。 

    all in ˈall

    when everything is considered从各方面考虑;总的说来

    •All in all it had been a great success.总的说来,那是个巨大的成功。

     (not) at all

    in any way; to any degree一点也(不);完全(不)

    •I didn't enjoy it at all.我一点也不喜欢。 

    all   adv.


    •She was dressed all in white.她穿一身白。 

    •He lives all alone.他索居独处。 

    •The coffee went all over my skirt.咖啡溅了我一裙子。 


    ( informal ) very很;十分;非常

    •She was all excited.她非常激动。 

    •Now don't get all upset about it.别再为那件事那么难过了。 

    almost    adv.   /ˈɔːlməʊst/ 

    not quite ; nearly几乎;差不多

    • I like almost all of them.我差不多所有的都喜欢。

    • It's a mistake they almost always make.这是他们几乎总要犯的错误。

    • The story is almost certainly false.这个故事几乎肯定是虚构的。

    • It's almost time to go.是差不多该走的时候了。

    • Dinner's almost ready.饭就要做好了。

    • He slipped and almost fell.他滑了一下,险些跌倒。

    • Their house is almost opposite ours.他们的房子几乎正对着我们的房子。

    • They'll eat almost anything.他们几乎什么都吃。

    • Almost no one (= hardly anyone) believed him.几乎没人相信他的话。

    along    /əˈlɒŋ/  prep


    from one end to or towards the other end of sth沿着;顺着

    •They walked slowly along the road. 他们沿公路慢慢走。 

    •I looked along the shelves for the book I needed. 我在书架上一格一格地找我需要的那本书。 


    in a line that follows the side of sth long靠着…边

    •Houses had been built along both sides of the river. 沿河两岸已盖起了房屋。 


    at a particular point on or beside sth long沿着…的某处(或旁边)

    •You'll find his office just along the corridor. 沿着走廊你就可以找到他的办公室。 

    along  adv



    •I was just walking along singing to myself.我独自唱着歌向前走着。 

    •He pointed out various landmarks as we drove along.我们驱车前行时,他指给我们看各种各样的地标。 

    along with sb/sth

    in addition to sb/sth; in the same way as sb/sth除…以外(还);与…同样地

    •She lost her job when the factory closed, along with hundreds of others.工厂倒闭时,她和成百上千的其他人一样失去了工作。 

    another      det./pron.   /əˈnʌðə(r)/ 


    one more; an extra thing or person又一;再一;另一(事物或人)

    •Would you like another drink?还想喝一杯吗? 

    •‘Finished?’ ‘No, I've got another three questions to do.’ “做完了?”“没有,我还有三个问题要解答。”

    •We've still got another (= a further) forty miles to go.我们还要走四十英里。

    •‘It's a bill.’ ‘Oh no, not another!’ “这是账单。”“哦,别又来一张!”

    •I got another of those calls yesterday.昨天我又接了一个那样的电话。 

    [Another can be followed by a singular noun, by of and a plural noun, or by a number and a plural noun. another后可接单数名词、of加复数名词或数字加复数名词。


    different; a different person or thing另一;不同的(人或事物)

    •Let's do it another time.咱们其他时间再办这件事吧。

    •We need another computer (= a new one) .我们还需要一台电脑。 

    •We can try that—but whether it'll work is another matter .我们可以试试看—但行不行则是另一回事。

    •The room's too small. Let's see if they've got another one .这房间太小。咱们看看是否另给找一间。

    •I don't like this room. I'm going to ask for another.我不喜欢这个房间。我打算另要一间。 

    answer n.      /ˈɑːnsə(r)/ 


    something that you say, write or do to react to a question or situation答复;回答

    •I can't easily give an answer to your question. 你的问题我难以回答。

    •Have you had an answer to your letter? 你那封信有回音没有? 

    •As if in answer to our prayers, she offered to lend us £10 000. 好像祈祷很灵验似的,她提出借给我们1万英镑。

    •I rang the bell, but there was no answer. 我按了门铃,但没有人应门。 

    •She had no answer to the accusations. 她对控告无以为答。 


    something that you write or say in reply to a question in a test, an exam, an exercise, etc.; the correct reply to a question in a test, etc.(试题、练习等的)答案,正确答案

    •Write your answers on the sheet provided. 在所发的答题纸上写下答案。 

    •Do you know the answer to question 12 (= the right one) ? 你知道第12题的答案吗? 

    answer v.    answers, answering, answered, answered


    to say, write or do sth as a reaction to a question or situation答复;回答

    •I repeated the question, but she didn't answer.我把问题重复了一遍,但是她仍没有回答。

    •You haven't answered my question .你没有回答我的问题。

    •to answer a letter/an advertisement回信;对广告作出反应

    •to answer the phone (= to pick up the phone when it rings)接电话

    •to answer the door (= to open the door when sb knocks/rings)应门(铃)声开门

    •My prayers have been answered (= I have got what I wanted) .我的祈祷应验了(指如愿以偿)。

    •He refused to answer the charges against him.他拒绝对他的指控进行答辩。 

    •Come on, answer me! Where were you?快点,回答我!你到哪儿去了? 

    •He answered me with a smile.他对我报以微笑。 

    •‘I'd prefer to walk,’ she answered. “我宁愿步行。”她答道。

    •‘I'd prefer to walk,’ she answered him. “我宁愿步行。”她回答他道。

    •She answered that she would prefer to walk.她回答说她宁愿步行。 

    •Answer me this: how did they know we were here?回答我这个问题:他们怎么知道我们在这儿?

    anyone       pron. /ˈeniwʌn/ 

    ( also anybody )

    1.used instead of someone in negative sentences and in questions, after if / whether , and after verbs such as prevent , forbid , avoid(用于否定句、疑问句,也用于if或whether之后,或紧接prevent、forbid、avoid等动词,代替someone)任何人

    •Is anyone there?有人吗? 

    •Does anyone else want to come?还有人想来吗? 

    •Did anyone see you?有没有人见到了你? 

    •Hardly anyone came.几乎没有人来。 

    •I forbid anyone to touch that clock.我不准任何人碰那台钟。 


    any person at all; it does not matter who随便哪个人

    •Anybody can see that it's wrong.随便哪个人都可以看出这是错的。 

    •The exercises are so simple that almost anyone can do them.练习十分简单,几乎谁都会做。 



