Unit5P3 旅一三组

Unit5P3 旅一三组

作者: 旅一23李豫 | 来源:发表于2018-11-27 23:44 被阅读0次


1.waste  [west]

n.  浪费,白费,,废物; 荒地,荒芜;

vt.  浪费; 徒劳; (使) 消瘦;破坏; 干掉; 大胜;

  eg.  There could be many reasons and he was not going to waste time speculating on them

2. slaughter  [ˈslɔtɚ]

n.  大屠杀;大减价,贱卖;猛烈抨击;

vt.  屠宰(动物大减价,贱卖; 〈口〉强烈谴责,

eg.  Thirty four people were slaughtered while queuing up to cast their votes

3. spare  [sper]

vt.  节省,不用,抽出,; 宽恕,救命,使某人免遭(麻烦等); 出让,分让;

adj.  多余的,备用的,多余的,瘦的,少量的; 薄弱的,简陋的

n. 备用零件, 节省,俭省; 〈美〉(头两个球把十柱打得)全倒; 预备品,替换品;

eg.  If possible keep a spare pair of glasses accessible in case your main pair is broken or lost

4.ubiguitous:  [juˈbɪkwɪtəs]

adj.  无所不在的; 普遍存在的;

eg.  In the US, the camcorder has become ubiquitous


vt.  渗入; 穿透,刺入; 秘密潜入; 洞悉,明了;

vi.   穿透,穿过; 进入,渗入; 洞悉;

eg.  X-rays can penetrate many objects

6.loom  [lum]

n.   织布机,织布法; 若隐若现的景象; 桨柄; [航] 翼肋腹部;

vi.   朦胧出现;

vi.   隐约地出现; 赫然耸现; 迫在眉睫;

eg.  Vincent loomed over me, as pale and grey as a tombstone

7.anthropogenic  [ˌænθrəpə'dʒnɪk]

adj.  人类起源论的; 人为的,人类活动产生的;

8.famine  [ˈfæmɪn]

n.   饥荒; 饥饿; 极度缺乏;

eg.  Thousands of refugees are trapped by war, drought and famine

eg.  Since the influences of industrial and anthropogenic activities, the content of atmospheric aerosols increased obviously

9.mortal  [ˈmɔ:rtl]

adj. 致命的; 不共戴天的; 终有一死的;

n. 凡人,人类;

eg.  A man is deliberately designed to be mortal. He grows, he ages, and he dies.

10.prosperous  [ˈprɑ:spərəs]

adj.  富裕的; 繁荣的,兴旺的; 幸福的,运气好的; 良好的;

eg.  The place looks more prosperous than ever.

11.fatality  [feˈtælɪti, fə-]

n.  宿命; 灾祸; 死亡(事故); 致命性;

eg.  Drunk driving fatalities have declined more than 10 percent over the past 10 years.

12.decent  美[ˈdisənt]

adj.  正派的; 得体的; (服装等) 相称的,合宜的; 相当好的;

eg.  Nearby is a village with a decent pub

13.indicator  美[ˈɪndɪˌketɚ]

n.   指示器; [化] 指示剂; 指示者;

eg.  The number of wells is a fair indicator of the demand for water.

14.proportion  [prəˈpɔ:rʃn]

n.   比,比率; [数学]比例(法); 面积; 相称,平衡;

vt.  使成比例; 使相称; 使均衡;

eg.  A large proportion of the dolphins in that area will eventually die.

15.malnutrition  [ˌmælnu:ˈtrɪʃn]

n. 营养不良;

eg.  Infections are more likely in those suffering from malnutrition.

16.novel  [ˈnɑ:vl]

n.   (长篇) 小说; [法] 新法,附律;

adj.  新奇的; 异常的;

eg.Protesters found a novel way of demonstrating against steeply rising oil prices

17.ruthless  [ˈruθlɪs]

adj  狠;残忍的;无情的,冷酷的;辣

eg.  The President was ruthless in dealing with any political dissent.

18.credulity  [krɪˈdu:ləti]

n.   轻信,易受骗;

eg.  The plot does stretch credulity.

19.endorse  [ɪnˈdɔ:rs]

vt.  支票的背书,签名; 签署,批准:签署(签名),; 开发票,开证明文件; 支持,核准;

eg.  I can endorse their opinion wholeheartedly.

20.racial  [ˈreʃəl]

adj.  种族的; 人种的; 存在或发生于种族之间的;

eg.  Racial discrimination is abhorrent to my council and our staff.

21.custody  [ˈkʌstədi]

n.   监管; 拘留,羁押; 抚养权,监护权;

eg.  I'm going to go to court to get custody of the children.


Since the black death in London in 1665, the disease has become an epidemic. The success of the system and the development of the network have increased human energy, but also brought great damage. Science is deep, systems are so powerful that they threaten us. Because of the multiplication of machines and the enormous pollution of the climate, a new crisis looms. In the most peaceful era since 1945, human life has greatly improved. However, the enmity did not end, and we did not achieve the  pacific benefits. So, we should leave behind what we take for granted and make humans better.


Unit5P3 旅一三组


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