I.前言 Preface
For learning English , I push my self on the 007 homework to write a article in English each weeks.
II.内容 Content
今天和 @七布斯 简单的聊了一下简书发现他们的产品经理,好爱写作,把写作做为所有盈利模式的支点,在这个灯红酒绿的世界里还能做到这样,让人敬佩。
Today I talking about Jianshu with @七布斯,we found they product manager is love to write so much.In the age of light and red they still did they own.
没有广告 如果是我肯定受不了诱惑在简书顶部或底部加上广告来获取广告费,产品经理一定不缺钱。
Without advertisement, if me I can't resist making money by advertising.The product manager must be a rich man!
让写作有利可图 如果你是个作家,可以在改平台书写自己的作品,让读者付费。
Let write making money, If you are a writer,you can making money by write。
简易愉悦的写作 坚定的去除任何对写作过程中不需要的功能简易极致的编辑器,让人一下忘记对写作的恐惧。
Tools easy and funny, Removing the unrelated functions of writing,make us focus on write , forgot anything expect write.
除了文章还是文章 整系统为了作者可以专心的写作而设计,如此坚定的方向体现在系统的个个方面,真是让人敬佩。
Only write, In the jianshu system all around write,How firm they are,How admirable it is。