为什么中国禁止 Facebook?

为什么中国禁止 Facebook?

作者: 园Z | 来源:发表于2017-06-20 13:42 被阅读10848次

You can just search for this on Wikipedia. But let me show you how Facebook dealt with terrorism differently in the US and in China.

In 2013, a bomb went off in Boston. 3 people were killed. Facebook and Twitter all immediately jumped in to help with the investigation. Multi, Social Media Play Huge Role in Solving Boston Bombing They were so eager to help that they even jumped on the wrong person!

In 2009, ETIM, which was formally classified as terrorism organization by both the UN and the US in 2002, organized a riot in China that killed almost 200 people. July 2009 Ürümqi riots Most of the dead were women and children. They used Facebook to set up the riot. The Chinese government asked Facebook to help identifying the terrorists. Facebook said, eh, hmm, just freedom fighters exercising free speech. So the Chinese told them to get the f*ck out of China. Later Facebook has attempted several times to get back in, and the Chinese government always smiled politely without budging an inch.

你可以在维基百科找到相关的资料,但是让我告诉你,Facebook 如何差别对待美国本土和中国的恐怖分子。

2013 年,波士顿爆炸案,三人遇难,Facebook 和 Twitter 立刻跳出帮助当局调查。大量的媒体在此案中扮演了重要的角色,他们非常渴望做出贡献甚至找错了嫌疑人。

2009 年,中国新疆,ETIM 东突暴动,将近 200 人遇难,其中大部分是妇女儿童。东突在 2002 年就被联合国和美国认定为恐怖组织。该组织在 Facebook 中制造骚乱,中国政府请求 Facebook 帮助调查。Facebook 表示「呃,他们只是自由的战士,在行使言论自由」。
所以中国「Get the FxxK out of China」。

之后数年,Facebook 一直想要重返中国,但是中国政府总是礼貌的笑一笑,寸步不让。



      本文标题:为什么中国禁止 Facebook?
