It’s for somebody who loves Sherlock.
This is all about you, everything here.
So who loves you?
I’m assuming it’s not a long list.
Don’t be ridiculous.Look at the coffin.
Unmarried,practical about death. Molly. Molly Hooper.
She’s perfectly safe,for the moment.
Her flat is rigged to explode in approximately three minutes unless I hear the release code from her lips.
I am calling her on your phone,Sherlock.
Make her say it.
Say what?
You are not allowed to mention in any way at all that her life is in danger.
You may not,at any point,suggest about that there is any form of crisis.
If you do, I will end this session and her life. Are we clear?
What’s she doing?
She is making tea.
Yes,but why isn’t she answering her phone?
You never answer your phone.
Yes, but it’s me calling.
Hello,This is Molly, at the dead centre of town. Leave a message.
Just one more time.
Go on Molly,pick up. Just bloody pick up.
Hello, Sherlock. Is it Urgent? Because I’m not having a good day.
Molly, I just want you to do something very easy for me and not ask why.
Oh God, is this one of your stupid games?
No, it’s not a game, I need you to help me.
Look, I am not at the lab.
It’s not about that.
Well, quickly then.
Sherlock. What is it? What do you want?
Molly,please Without asking why,just say these words.
What words?
I love you.
Leave me alone.
Molly,no,please. No don’t hang up. Do not hang up!
Calmly Sherlock. Or I will finish her right now.
Why are you doing this to me? Why are you making fun of me?
Please ,I swear,you just have to listen to me.
Softer, Sherlock.
Molly, this is for a case. It’s, it’s a sort of experiment.
I’m not an experiment, Sherlock.
No, I know you’re not an experiment. You are my friend.
We are friends,but please just say these words for me.
Please don’t do this,just just don’t do it.
It’s very important. I can’t say why. But I promise you it is.
I can’t say that,I can’t. I can’t say that to you.
Of course you can,why can’t you?
You know what.
No, I don’t know why.
Of course you do.
Please, Just say it.
I can’t . Not to you.
Because because it’s true. Sherlock. It’s always been true.
Well, if it’s true,just say it anyway.
You bastard!
Say it anyway.
You say it, go on. You say it first.
Say it,Say it like you mean it.
I I love you. I love you.
I love you.
Come on,the girl on the plane. I need to talk to her.
I won, I save Molly Hopper.
Saved her? From what?
Don’t be there were no explosives in her little house.
Why would I be so clumsy?
You didn’t win. You lost. Look what you did to her.
Look what you did to yourself.
All those complicated those emotions. I lost count.
Emotional context, Sherlock. It destroys you every time.
Now,please pull yourself together. I need you at peak efficiency.