选自20190105期《经济学人》-Special report-Parenting-A never-ending task
这期的专题报道有篇文章很吸引我,关于育儿之道,文章中提到了2011年引发热议的美国耶鲁大学的华裔教授蔡美儿(Amy Chua)的虎妈式教育方法(PS:她出了一本书叫做《Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother-虎妈战歌》)。
sb come first/come second
take the first place
bear the bell
rank first/rank second
对孩子管教太宽松居然可以用“soft”这个词-“宽容的、不严厉的、心慈手软的”,之前只知道soft用来描述具体感觉的这种用法,并不知道这个抽象意义。比如在惩罚犯罪分子的手段不够严厉就可以用“ soft and weak measures on criminals ”来表达。
accomplished “有造诣的,颇有建树的”,在这里用来形容虎妈教育出来的两个孩子十分的出色。相似的表达有“an accomplished singer/an accomplished pianist/an accomplished musician....” 记忆高超的歌唱家、有造诣的钢琴家、才华横溢的音乐家....
blended culture "交融的文化" (这样的表达似乎比用mix更符合语言习惯)
Studies show that even poorer and less well-educated parents on both sides of the Atlantic (except, oddly, in France) spent far more time with their children every day in the 2000s than they did in 1965. They also spent more money on them, both in dollars and as a proportion of their income.
... ... between 1972-73 and 2006-07 total spending per child in constant dollars increased somewhat for all income groups (see chart), but far faster for the richest 10% of parents than for the rest.
Because incomes in this group had gone up rapidly, their spending as a proportion of income did not rise much. Yet by this measure the poorest 10% of parents vastly increased their spending on their children because their incomes had barely budged.
看到budge,瞬间觉得这词用得又狠又形象,incomes had barely budged 也就是说对于低收入群体家庭而言,教育支出比重vastly increased的原因在于这么些年收入就跟蜗牛一样几乎没怎么涨过。[允悲]
“双方都不让步”就可以说“Both sides claim they will not budge....”
" 一点儿也没动 ":He threw all his weight against the door, but it wouldn’t budge an inch. 他将整个身体向门大力撞去,但门丝毫没动。
插句题外话,前段时间读近期的China Daily也碰到了相似的话题,越来越多的家长把孩子送往具有双语教学的国际学校学习,对孩子的教育方面的投入也越来越大。记得以前读高一的时候看CCTV-10 的“希望英语”节目里面正好播到中小学生的的英语演讲视频,用jaw-dropping这个词形容我当时的心情一点不为过。
"all-important" 这个组合词自己平时不会想到这么用(第一反应肯定是most important),记起来,可以表示至关重要的意思,比如:
all-important status: 首要地位
all-important action: 必要前提
be all-important: 十分重要
Even at kindergarten level, the parents are already thinking about getting the child through the gaokao, the all-important university entrance exam.
The Chinese have long been obsessed with education, and academic success for the child brings honour to the entire family.
rote learning 机械学习
take on extreme forms 采取极端形式
stifle sb's creativity 扼杀想象力
sth exact a heavy toll on sb 付出沉重代价
exact a heavy financial toll 带来巨大的经济压力