

作者: Tarksheep | 来源:发表于2018-12-08 21:58 被阅读0次

Today I start to prepare my CET6 test. It's hard to say the word "start" in fact.  I have insisted to get in touch with English for a long time, as a matter of fact. However, it didn't help me a lot but  just keep my sense of English language. But thanks to this, I start to sense what the feeling that I would learn English well is. That premonition is so great! I feel the stream of consciousness flows from my brain to my medulla spilalies, and it flows backward.Fantastic!

I've read a book written by Helen Keller, named "Three days to see". The writter was blind and she saw nothing, but she open up a new world to me and to my mind. She can't see, but she hasd a great sense of feeling. In her dark world, she could find beauty within everything in the nature only by touching, feeling, imagining and heart-listening. She felt the delicate symmertry of a leaf, passed her hands lovingly about the smooth skin of a silver birch, or the rough shaggy bark of a pine . In the spring she touch the branches of trees hopefully in search  of a bud the first sign of awakening Nature after her winter's sleep.

I think I could try to perceive everything in the nature, including English language. In fact, the languages don't really exist in this world, they exist in our mind. Therefore, we have more potentials to feel, to learn, to use. This is a cycle within our mind. We can't build up a complete language system without any elements in this cycle. Absorb, process and use. We listen, we recite, we conjecture, we write, we talk. They promote each other, and the whold cycle will arise like spiral. When it touch a special altitude, everything will be changed. That's the time when qualitative changes cause quantitative changes.

To listen to English conversation easily, I download an PC software, called "Aboboo", which is every good to take listening trainings. I decide to use it at 7:00 a.m., after listening to VOA. I know it is hard to get this goal done, especially when I forget to set an alarm. Whatever, there are so many students like me learning hard to bright our own future. It's univerally acknowledged that with the current trend of artificial intelligence becoming more and more significant, if we still can't understand those paper in English which are about computer science, we will be eliminated by the society quickly. Only when we coudl read both English and Chinese advanced paper, would we recongize which path to go. Yeah, that's one of the reason why I want to learn English well. For another reason, I want to go aboard or apply for University in HK. Therefore, I still have to prepare for IEST next year.

I believe that writing blogs could help me keep strong connection with the society and clear what thinkings hidden in my brain. In this way, I could hold myself for not being lost in my daily life. Sometimes it will get me out of inferiority, because I don't need to worry about  where I woud go wrong or whether I could have a great future or I could make my family living well. I type down every mindset here, so I don't need to think about those terrified ideas over and over again. 

Here are some sentences talking about fear. "Fear kills hope, fear, puts people in the hospital. Fear can age you, could hold you back from doing something that you know within yourself you are capable of doing, but it will paralyze you." That's fear within our mind since we born and it dismiss until we die.So what? We still need to go, to try to do something we want to do , we have to do, which is for our future, our family, our race. Beating fear, and we can have a further step.

I am a normal person, but I want to do something different.



