Deploy Module SDK Include files

Deploy Module SDK Include files

作者: Feel君 | 来源:发表于2016-04-10 13:34 被阅读11次

First, manually build the SDKInclude directory path where U want deploy your module, like:

{root dir}/sdk/include

And add a text file sign.txt into SDKInclude Directory, its content just a symbol:


Second, add a line to .pro:

SDKInclude = $$PWD\..\..\sdk\include

Then add:

# SDK Deploy -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# 作用
# a. 将头文件发布到SDK目录下

h_searchlist += *.h
for(searchvar, h_searchlist) {
 hlist += $$files($$searchvar, true)
for (hvar, hlist) {
 _desDirpath = $$SDKInclude/$$TARGET # 目标头文件根目录
 _srcFilepath = $$absolute_path($$hvar) # 源头文件绝对路径
 _desReleFilepath = $$relative_path($$_srcFilepath, $$_desDirpath) # sdk 头文件引用路径
 _srcReleFilepath = $$relative_path($$_srcFilepath, $$_PRO_FILE_PWD_) # 源头文件相对于项目的相对路径
 _desFilepath = $$_desDirpath/$$_srcReleFilepath # 目标头文件的绝对路径

 SDK_H_FILE_CONTENT = "$$cat($$SDKInclude/sign.txt)include \"../$$_desReleFilepath\""
 write_file($$_desFilepath, SDK_H_FILE_CONTENT)

# message($$SDK_H_FILE_CONTENT)

# \end SDK Deploy -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Last, run qmake command on .pro by right mouse-click, and U will get:


And every *.h file in SDKInclude will becomes:

#include "../../../../src/{path}/file_name.h"


  • Actually, there is another efficient way to add # symbol to deployed header file, and it says:
SDK_H_FILE_CONTENT = $$LITERAL_HASH"include \"../$$_desReleFilepath\""

Yeah, it simply just use



      本文标题:Deploy Module SDK Include files
