

作者: 飞翔DE荷兰人 | 来源:发表于2017-06-11 22:27 被阅读0次

    Dear students, hello:


    Very glad to have the opportunity to come here to have a face-to-face on an exchange. In fact, very much to say, but I still want to talk about, is what the beginning on the 1942 "温故" this movie.


    It was in 1993, on an afternoon of a sunny, Wang Shuo across the room from his room, go to my room, he threw me a novel. This novel was written by Liu Zhenyun "warm 1942", I was relieved to read this novel, very touched. This novel is written in a famine that occurred in 1942 in Henan, about about thirty million people in Henan to Shaanxi to flee, they will have three million people starved to death. But I am very surprised, I don't know there is such a disaster before reading his novels. When Liu Zhenyun wrote the novel, to interview the surviving party time, everybody also said can't remember. Is it right? We are one people good at forgotten, or that our nation has suffered too much? So I thought, this movie meaning actually is quite big, one is let us know Henan, a big tragedy we Chinese history, another through this film, also think about why such a tragedy, it will not happen.


    So, again, I think is very important. This movie is just like a mirror, on our own. You see I have is quite ugly one, because there is a mirror, so I know I'm ugly. Without the mirror, I could imagine ourselves very handsome, very One's deportment is dignified. But when you look in the mirror when you found, that's not what you think. I think I saw it all the time will be very uncomfortable, but I don't know a little stronger. So the "one nine four two" is also picked out a part of our identity in. Although I think that our nation is certainly among the nations of the world is good, otherwise we wouldn't be here.


    I am not a special person who has sense of responsibility, but because the fiction of Liu Zhenyun hit me, so I told the earthquake cloud said, can turn it into a movie. Liu Zhenyun said not to worry, wait. I think what he said is not anxious to wait, is not he doesn't want to make it into a movie, he is certainly not to trust me. Because at that time I haven't taken any movie. Time to 2000 when, a night of new year's day have the Spring Festival earthquake cloud, I find, we made dumplings, drank a big wine, then he said to me, brother, I find you to want to "one nine four two" this child to you. I especially excited, so we can find a lot of experts, many directors to discuss. We have a consensus -- the novel is a very good novel, but it is not suitable to a film, because the novel is no story, no specific figures, there is no plot. Everyone dispersed, I squatted in my studio outside of the tree with earthquake cloud, I ask him: how to do? Earthquake cloud asked me if you still want to do or not to do, I said. Then the earthquake cloud said to me, I think that one might happen that might work, many people are doing, only a few people do, is to make the impossible possible, but not become possible is a very meaningful thing.


    How to make the impossible possible? It is very difficult. There are two ways, one is the smart people, smart screenwriter, first you should know I wrote the script, I not detours, I can't go, not made useless. There is also a screenwriter, stupid, use is the most stupid way, he was out on the road, it is said that he didn't know which way is the way it goes. What shall I do? Every path, this writer is stupid, do a lot of is futile, but one that he really found. Because he is found, he went to a lot of the way, then he found this is the way I go. I told the earthquake cloud said, I said we're sure is that stupid people, so we have to choose. zhenyun said, I will wait for you this sentence.


    Our studio six people together on the road, we go a few months, we first along this clue novels, Henan, Chongqing, Cairo, after several months of interviews, exploration, this script will emerge. The script several ups and downs, all has not finished, I light up crew set up three times, put up a pageantry chose the scenery, looking for actors, last toss down, I began to realize that, there may be no chance at me the rest of one's life, or when I can have the creative energy, so when the impulse, this manual, may not have the chance to put the novel into a movie. During this period, I took many other films, in this process, because want to take things always can't shoot, so I can put one's heart and soul into walk a commercial road, then take the road very. This is a what road? Full respect for the audience. Then let me feel funny, funny, I didn't feel sick. This is some of the film formed a very high popularity. For me, is the so-called "we said that the brand. What is the brand? The audience is the movie have a basic trust, and just under the influence, the biggest power, finally in 2010 and the "温故" zeixinbusi 1942 script on the desk. During the filming of "the one nine four two" this road so bumpy, there is so much resistance, so is not smooth, but because you are not ready. This is a good stuff, you want to do, you want to make a good preparation. May to 2010 when, think you are almost ready, can shoot, so this film shot out.


    "One nine four two" I think we all China film, toward a commercial tide torrent carried through time, we suddenly become an independent school to kill a Parthian shot, this is called the big fresh. There is a word called small fresh, I feel that "one nine four two" is fresh. The things we wanted to do what others can't do, I think never mind, for me personally, I think I became famous, enrichment, I fame had double the. Gain both fame and wealth have two situations: one is I will enjoy all the benefits of the fame and fortune, and one I dare to put these things up, that thing to do I really want to do. Maybe I squandered the audience for so many years, I accumulated to trust me. In the "one nine four two" this movie, but I think, I believe that is because of "one nine four two" and I set up a trust more.


    I found especially in young people, after they finished the film, with a particularly strong feeling, it is out of the cinema, suddenly aware of the very happy. You'll know that you, if you was born in Henan in 1942, you really are called Born Under A Bad Sign. You will feel today, what do you think of all the setbacks you encounter, you don't want me to die. Compared with starved to death, we present these setbacks, these unfortunate, in fact be nothing difficult. Guoli Zhang said after the show, he had a great experience, hunger and human dignity. This relationship, we often hear a word called: do not yield. Is it right? We often say, a person in particular has integrity, do not yield. I finished "one nine four two", I would have such a feeling, not for these people bow to reality, he must be home resting there are five, or ten bucket meter, or ten Dan meters, he is not for you to give him this handout. If the home wife and children cry piteously for food, you can not this stuttering, elderly parents, a married man's entire family, all have to starve to death, I don't really believe that he did not bow, a bag of rice what things do, just in order to survive. Poverty makes people more selfish, short-sighted, because he does not look into the distance, he can only see the money. How can I live, how can do to live. In 1942, what is dignity? Dignity is the belly. So today the country began to become prosperous, some, you can discuss this matter with no dignity. So I hope everyone, I this is not a high-profile, should look through this movie you know, you can live in today, you are very happy.

    最后我也想把我们电影开始的那段旁白用河南话跟大家说说: “1942年冬到1944年春,因为一场旱灾,我的故乡河南发生了吃的问题。”与此同时,世界上还发生着这样一些事,斯大林格勒战役、甘地绝食、宋美龄访美和丘吉尔感冒,谢谢。

    Finally, I want to put that aside we film began to use the Henan words tell us about: "the winter of 1942 to the spring of 1944, because of a drought, had eating issues in my hometown Henan." At the same time, the world also has this thing, the battle of Stalingrad, Gandhi, Song Meiling and Churchill visit a hunger strike, thank you



