Thesis description1 Thesis TitleEvaluation and extension for Combinatory Logic Synthesizer-approach of compositionsynthesis based on inhabitation in combinatory logic2 Project Background and problem statementThe theoretical background of the thesis is Combinatory Logic Synthesizer(CL)S. Combinatory Logic Synthesizer (CL)S is a type-theoretic approach whichaims to automatically compose larger systems from repositories of code componentsinto a goal code in various implementation languages. The whole processingis founded on the logic theory in [1].The current approach enumeratesall programs satisfying a goal specification. It uses qualitative attributes to expresscomponent and goal conditions. Various properties of programs are hardto express and might be context-dependent, e.g. extra-functional propertiesas performance or security. The thesis project explores to use machine learningto discover for predefined application domains optimal solutions based on aweighted tree-grammar.3 Learning goalsThe goal of the thesis work include :1. Develop a minimal application domain component repository for measurements.2. Extend the tree grammar enumerator of CLS by weighted tree grammarsfor using a learned model.3. Learn models for basic properties, e.g. performance and security, andapply it to synthesis algorithm in CLS4. Evaluate the di代写Combinatory Logic作业、Java程序语言作业调试、Java课程设计作业代做、代写tree-grammfferences between weighted and unweighted approach.5. (Optional) Extend the enumeration by tree path patterns learned by themodel.14 MethodThe experiments which support the evaluation would be implemented with differentmethod. Machine learning and use case tests would be main methodsadopted to evaluate the exist implementation. The work process can be illustratedas evaluating the implementation through user provided repositoriesreconstruction and time complexity performance analysis with the mentionedmethods. However, the evaluation method would rather be flexible consideringthe implementation but not restricted by mentioned methods.5 ToolsThe existing Combinatory Logic Synthesizer implementation is a Scala-based designand the source language of user provided repositories are mainly Java. Theexisting design support possible extension and optimization on the interpretingprocess. Hence the extension of existing implementation would be Scala-orJava-based.6 Type and plan for supervision Twice per month progress report Twice per month meeting or online discussion via Mail/skypeReferences[1] Jan Bessai, Andrej Dudenhefner, Boris D¨udder, Moritz Martens, and RehofJakob. Combinatory logic synthesizer. International Symposium On LeveragingApplications of Formal Methods, Verification and Validation, 8802:26–40, 2014.2转自: