

作者: 法小克丶 | 来源:发表于2018-11-14 15:18 被阅读0次


alias cls='clear'  //清理

alias ll='ls -l'  //查看

alias la='ls -a'  //查看所有

alias vi='vim'  //vi

alias javac="javac -J-Dfile.encoding=utf8"  ß

alias grep="grep --color=auto" 

alias -s html=mate #在命令行直接输入后缀为html的文件名,会在TextMate中打开 

alias -s rb=mate #在命令行直接输入ruby文件,会在TextMate中打开 

alias -s py=vi #在命令行直接输入python文件,会用vim中打开,以下类似 

alias -s js=vi 

alias -s c=vi 

alias -s java=vi 

alias -s txt=vi

alias -s gz='tar -xzvf' 

alias -s tgz='tar -xzvf' 

alias -s zip='unzip' 

alias -s bz2='tar -xjvf'

# Query/use custom command for `git`.

zstyle -s ":vcs_info:git:*:-all-" "command" _omz_git_git_cmd

: ${_omz_git_git_cmd:=git}


# Functions


# The name of the current branch

# Back-compatibility wrapper for when this function was defined here in

# the plugin,before being pulled in to core lib/git.zsh as git_current_branch()

# to fix the core -> git plugin dependency.

function current_branch(){



# The list of remotes

function current_repository(){

  if ! $_omz_git_git_cmd rev-parse --is-inside-work-tree &> /dev/null;then



  echo $($_omz_git_git_cmd remote -v | cut -d':' -f 2)


# Pretty log messages

function _git_log_prettily(){

  if ![-z $1];then

    git log --pretty=$1



# Warn if the current branch is a WIP

function work_in_progress(){

  if $(git log -n 1 2>/dev/null | grep -q -c "\-\-wip\-\-");then

    echo "WIP!!"




# Aliases

#(sorted alphabetically)


alias g='git'

alias ga='git add'

alias gaa='git add --all'

alias gapa='git add --patch'

alias gb='git branch'

alias gba='git branch -a'

alias gbda='git branch --merged | command grep -vE "^(\*|\s*master\s*$)" | command xargs -n 1 git branch -d'

alias gbl='git blame -b -w'

alias gbnm='git branch --no-merged'

alias gbr='git branch --remote'

alias gbs='git bisect'

alias gbsb='git bisect bad'

alias gbsg='git bisect good'

alias gbsr='git bisect reset'

alias gbss='git bisect start'

alias gc='git commit -v'

alias gc!='git commit -v --amend'

alias gca='git commit -v -a'

alias gca!='git commit -v -a --amend'

alias gcan!='git commit -v -a -s --no-edit --amend'

alias gcam='git commit -a -m'

alias gcb='git checkout -b'

alias gcf='git config --list'

alias gcl='git clone --recursive'

alias gclean='git clean -fd'

alias gpristine='git reset --hard && git clean -dfx'

alias gcm='git checkout master'

alias gcmsg='git commit -m'

alias gco='git checkout'

alias gcount='git shortlog -sn'

compdef gcount=git

alias gcp='git cherry-pick'

alias gcs='git commit -S'

alias gd='git diff'

alias gdca='git diff --cached'

alias gdct='git describe --tags `git rev-list --tags --max-count=1`'

alias gdt='git diff-tree --no-commit-id --name-only -r'

gdv(){ git diff -w "$@" | view - }

compdef _git gdv=git-diff

alias gdw='git diff --word-diff'

alias gf='git fetch'

alias gfa='git fetch --all --prune'

function gfg(){ git ls-files | grep $@ }

compdef gfg=grep

alias gfo='git fetch origin'

alias gg='git gui citool'

alias gga='git gui citool --amend'


[["$#" != 1]]&& local b="$(git_current_branch)"

git push --force origin "${b:=$1}"


compdef _git ggf=git-checkout


if[["$#" != 0]]&&[["$#" != 1]];then

git pull origin "${*}"


[["$#" == 0]]&& local b="$(git_current_branch)"

git pull origin "${b:=$1}"



compdef _git ggl=git-checkout

alias ggpull='git pull origin $(git_current_branch)'

compdef _git ggpull=git-checkout


if[["$#" != 0]]&&[["$#" != 1]];then

git push origin "${*}"


[["$#" == 0]]&& local b="$(git_current_branch)"

git push origin "${b:=$1}"



compdef _git ggp=git-checkout

alias ggpush='git push origin $(git_current_branch)'

compdef _git ggpush=git-checkout


if[["$#" == 0]];then

ggl && ggp


ggl "${*}" && ggp "${*}"



compdef _git ggpnp=git-checkout

alias ggsup='git branch --set-upstream-to=origin/$(git_current_branch)'


[["$#" != 1]]&& local b="$(git_current_branch)"

git pull --rebase origin "${b:=$1}"


compdef _git ggu=git-checkout

alias ggpur='ggu'

compdef _git ggpur=git-checkout

alias gignore='git update-index --assume-unchanged'

alias gignored='git ls-files -v | grep "^[[:lower:]]"'

alias git-svn-dcommit-push='git svn dcommit && git push github master:svntrunk'

compdef git-svn-dcommit-push=git

alias gk='\gitk --all --branches'

compdef _git gk='gitk'

alias gke='\gitk --all $(git log -g --pretty=format:%h)'

compdef _git gke='gitk'

alias gl='git pull'

alias glg='git log --stat'

alias glgp='git log --stat -p'

alias glgg='git log --graph'

alias glgga='git log --graph --decorate --all'

alias glgm='git log --graph --max-count=10'

alias glo='git log --oneline --decorate'

alias glol="git log --graph --pretty=format:'%Cred%h%Creset -%C(yellow)%d%Creset %s %Cgreen(%cr)%C(bold blue)<%an>%Creset' --abbrev-commit"

alias glola="git log --graph --pretty=format:'%Cred%h%Creset -%C(yellow)%d%Creset %s %Cgreen(%cr)%C(bold blue)<%an>%Creset' --abbrev-commit --all"

alias glog='git log --oneline --decorate --graph'

alias glp="_git_log_prettily"

compdef _git glp=git-log

alias gm='git merge'

alias gmom='git merge origin/master'

alias gmt='git mergetool --no-prompt'

alias gmtvim='git mergetool --no-prompt --tool=vimdiff'

alias gmum='git merge upstream/master'

alias gp='git push'

alias gpd='git push --dry-run'

alias gpoat='git push origin --all && git push origin --tags'

compdef _git gpoat=git-push

alias gpu='git push upstream'

alias gpv='git push -v'

alias gr='git remote'

alias gra='git remote add'

alias grb='git rebase'

alias grba='git rebase --abort'

alias grbc='git rebase --continue'

alias grbi='git rebase -i'

alias grbm='git rebase master'

alias grbs='git rebase --skip'

alias grh='git reset HEAD'

alias grhh='git reset HEAD --hard'

alias grmv='git remote rename'

alias grrm='git remote remove'

alias grset='git remote set-url'

alias grt='cd $(git rev-parse --show-toplevel || echo ".")'

alias gru='git reset --'

alias grup='git remote update'

alias grv='git remote -v'

alias gsb='git status -sb'

alias gsd='git svn dcommit'

alias gsi='git submodule init'

alias gsps='git show --pretty=short --show-signature'

alias gsr='git svn rebase'

alias gss='git status -s'

alias gst='git status'

alias gsta='git stash'

alias gstaa='git stash apply'

alias gstd='git stash drop'

alias gstl='git stash list'

alias gstp='git stash pop'

alias gsts='git stash show --text'

alias gsu='git submodule update'

alias gts='git tag -s'

alias gtv='git tag | sort -V'

alias gunignore='git update-index --no-assume-unchanged'

alias gunwip='git log -n 1 | grep -q -c "\-\-wip\-\-" && git reset HEAD~1'

alias gup='git pull --rebase'

alias gupv='git pull --rebase -v'

alias glum='git pull upstream master'

alias gwch='git whatchanged -p --abbrev-commit --pretty=medium'

alias gwip='git add -A;git rm $(git ls-files --deleted)2> /dev/null;git commit -m "--wip--"'


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