

作者: 兔哥的视界 | 来源:发表于2019-06-21 21:59 被阅读0次

    01在准备期间,套餐的主要品种是苹果,葡萄干,樱桃,葡萄柚,草莓,猕猴桃,桃子和柑橘。目的:1。调节母体,增加体内各种营养素的储存; 2.加强身体,增强对疾病的抵抗力; 3.预防怀孕期间可能发生的各种不良反应; 4.防止堕胎。 _在怀孕的头三个月(1-3个月),主要类型的包装是富含维生素,铁和钙的水果,如葡萄干,樱桃,苹果,火龙果,葡萄柚,西瓜,梨和草莓。目的:1。解决不良反应; 2.储存更多营养物质以促进胎儿生长; 3.防止堕胎; 4.为大脑发育做好准备。


    在怀孕的第二个三个月(4-6个月),主要类型的套餐是升降机,樱桃,苹果,火龙果,葡萄柚,西瓜,梨,草莓和其他富含维生素,铁和钙的水果。目标:1。安全通过安全期; 2.解决贫血问题; 3.为胎儿的快速发育提供充足的营养。

    04在妊娠晚期(7-9个月),主要的套餐品种有红色毛丹,木瓜,杨桃,芒果,樱桃,苹果,火龙果,葡萄柚,西瓜,梨,草莓等富含钙,镁和水果的水果。蛋白。目的:1。无不良反应; 2.防止早产; 3.为胎儿快速生长提供营养保证; 4.保证顺利生产。鳃苹果:含有多种维生素和矿物质,苹果酸单宁和细纤维,很多孕妇都怕肥胖,多吃苹果可以预防肥胖,对胎儿发育很有帮助。苹果还可以调节胃肠功能。如果可以随皮肤进食,无论是便秘还是腹泻都可以改善,对于便秘的孕妇来说,不妨多试一试。在诊所,孕妇的肤色往往较差,这与贫血有关。吃苹果可以改善它,所以苹果有美容效果。苹果的另一个重要功能是减轻怀孕和呕吐。它对食欲不振和恶心有很好的缓解作用。 Cheli:在所有水果中,Cheli含有比苹果,橙子和梨多20倍的铁,还含有胡萝卜素(比葡萄,苹果和橙子多4-5倍),维生素B1,B2,C,柠檬酸,钙,磷和其他营养素。多吃可以补充血液,帮助肠胃功能。如果孕妇食欲不振,可以积极吃cheli,这对胎儿非常有帮助。许多孕妇经常吃cheli,而且出生的婴儿脸色红润。草莓:富含维生素C,可预防感冒。果胶和有机酸可以分解食物中的脂肪,促进食欲,加强胃肠蠕动;国外研究还报道,草莓可以去除体内的重金属。更有问题的是草莓清洁因担心农药残留而更麻烦。葡萄干:富含铁,磷,钙,有机酸,卵磷脂,胡萝卜素和维生素B1,C等,孕妇血色不足,血压低,血液循环不良,冬季手脚冰凉,吃葡萄有助于提高特别是如果孕妇有出血现象,葡萄干也有抗衰老作用,并可以帮助胎儿发育。葡萄柚:含有天然叶酸。叶酸不仅对早孕非常重要,而且在整个怀孕期间也是必不可少的。随着孕期胎儿组织的快速生长,孕妇需要大量的叶酸来满足胎儿的需要。缺乏叶酸不仅会增加妊娠高血压和胎盘早剥的发生率,还会导致孕妇发生巨幼红细胞性贫血,胎儿宫内发育迟缓,早产和新生儿低出生体重。因此,葡萄柚也是孕妇的首选。火龙果:解毒好果适宜吃。火龙果是一种绿色,环保的水果和健康营养食品,具有一定的疗效。它适合准妈妈吃,因为它的病虫害很少,并且可以在不使用任何杀虫剂的情况下正常生长。


    What fruit does a pregnant woman eat?

    01_During the preparation period, the main varieties of the set meal were apples, raisins, cherries, grapefruit, strawberries, kiwifruit, peaches and citrus. Objective: 1. Regulate the mother and increase the storage of various nutrients in the body; 2. Strengthen the body and enhance the resistance to disease; 3. Prevent all kinds of adverse reactions that may occur during pregnancy; 4. Prevent abortion. _In the first trimester of pregnancy (1-3 months), the main types of packages are fruit rich in vitamins, iron and calcium, such as raisins, cherries, apples, pitaya fruit, grapefruit, watermelon, pear and strawberry. Objective: 1. Solve adverse reactions; 2. Store more nutrients for fetal growth; 3. Prevent abortion; 4. Prepare for brain development.

    02 During the early pregnancy, the fetus grew slowly and gained only about 1 gram of body weight per day. The nutritional requirement of pregnant women was small. However, because most people will have different pregnancy reactions, such as dizziness, nausea, vomiting, physical discomfort, loss of appetite, breast pain, greasy, preference for sour food or light food, which affect the full intake of nutrition, so we should try to eat to strengthen nutrition.

    In the second trimester of pregnancy (4-6 months), the main types of set meals were lifts, cherries, apples, pitaya fruit, grapefruit, watermelon, pear, strawberry and other fruits rich in vitamins, iron and calcium. Objective: 1. To pass the safe period safely; 2. To solve the problem of anemia; 3. To provide adequate nutrition for the rapid development of the fetus.

    04 In the late pregnancy period (7-9 months), the main set meal varieties were red maodan, papaya, carambola, mango, cherry, apple, pitaya, grapefruit, watermelon, pear, strawberry and other fruits rich in calcium, magnesium and protein. Objective: 1. No adverse reactions; 2. Preventing premature delivery; 3. Providing nutrient guarantees for rapid fetal growth; 4. Guaranteeing smooth production. Gill apple: contains a variety of vitamins and minerals, malic acid tannin and fine fibers, many pregnant women are afraid of obesity, eating more apples can prevent obesity, and is very helpful for fetal development. Apple can also regulate gastrointestinal function. If you can eat with the skin, whether constipation or diarrhea can improve, for the constipation of pregnant women suffering may wish to try more. In clinics, pregnant women often have poor complexion, which is related to anemia. Eating apples can improve it, so apples have both cosmetic effects. Another important function of apple is to alleviate pregnancy and vomiting. It has good alleviating effects on poor appetite and nausea. Cheli: Among all fruits, Cheli contains 20 times more iron than apples, oranges and pears, and it also contains carotene (4-5 times more than grapes, apples and oranges), vitamin B1, B2, C, citric acid, calcium, phosphorus and other nutrients. Eating more can supplement blood and help the intestines and stomach function. If pregnant women have poor appetite, they can actively eat cheli, which is very helpful to the fetus. Many pregnant women often eat cheli, and the babies born have a ruddy healthy face. Strawberry: Very rich in vitamin C, can prevent colds. Pectin and organic acid can break down fat in food, promote appetite and strengthen gastrointestinal peristalsis; foreign studies have also reported that strawberries can remove heavy metals in the body. What is more problematic is that strawberry cleaning is more troublesome for fear of pesticide residues. Raisins: Rich in iron, phosphorus, calcium, organic acids, lecithin, carotene and vitamin B1, C, etc., pregnant women lack blood color, low blood pressure, poor circulation, cold hands and feet in winter, eat grapes can help improve, especially if pregnant women have bleeding phenomenon, raisins also have antifetal effect, and can help fetal development. 。 Grapefruit: It contains natural folic acid. Folic acid is not only very important for early pregnancy, but also essential throughout pregnancy. With the rapid growth of fetal tissues during pregnancy, pregnant women need a large amount of folic acid to meet the needs of the fetus. Lack of folic acid can not only increase the incidence of pregnancy-induced hypertension and placental abruption, but also lead to megaloblastic anemia in pregnant women, intrauterine growth retardation, premature delivery and low birth weight of newborns. Therefore, grapefruit is also the first choice for pregnant women. Fire dragon fruit: Detoxification good fruit appropriate to eat. Pitaya fruit is a kind of green, environmentally friendly fruit and health nutritious food with certain curative effect. It is suitable for expectant mothers to eat because it has few pests and diseases and can grow normally without using any pesticides.

    05 Qiuli: It has the functions of clearing heat and diuresis, moistening throat and lowering blood pressure, clearing heart and moistening lung, relieving cough and phlegm, stopping thirst and promoting body fluid. It can treat pregnancy edema and pregnancy hypertension. It also has the functions of calming and tranquilizing the mind, nourishing the heart and protecting the liver, reducing inflammation and analgesia, and preventing and curing pulmonary infection and hepatitis. Frequently eating stewed pears can increase body fluid in the mouth and prevent dry lips. It can not only protect the voice, but also be a dietary treatment for pneumonia, bronchitis and hepatitis. After the raw pear is removed, 10 grams of ice sugar, 5 grams of Fritillaria Fritillaria and appropriate amount of water are stuffed. The pear is stewed in gentle fire and eaten in soup, which can prevent and cure exogenous cold, cough and phlegm. Fig: Breast-opening fruit, comfort spleen deficiency. Fig is rich in a variety of amino acids, organic acids, magnesium, manganese, copper, zinc, boron and vitamins and other nutrients. It is sweet and delicious, nutritious and easy to eat. It is not only a fruit with high nutritional value, but also a good medicine. It is very suitable for quasi-mother's daily consumption. Expectant mothers are most susceptible to hemorrhoids. To prevent hemorrhoids, it is necessary to keep the stool clear. Ficus carica is not only rich in nutrients, but also able to treat hemorrhoids and lactation.

    Lotus fog: relieve heat and thirst, eat before meals. Lotus mist is a good fruit to relieve heat and thirst, which is very helpful for expectant mothers to eat in summer. In hot summer, expectant mothers can use it to boil ice sugar water to drink, juice and meat to eat together, as well as dry cough, expectoration effect, is a rare summer diet for expectant mothers. Carambola: Carambola has high nutritional value and contains many components beneficial to the health of mothers. It can reduce the absorption of fat by mothers-to-be, prevent obesity, reduce blood lipid and cholesterol, and prevent cardiovascular diseases such as hypertension and atherosclerosis. It can also protect the liver of expectant mothers and help them reduce blood sugar. Carambola is rich in carbohydrates, vitamin C and organic acids, and fruit juice is abundant. It can quickly replenish the water in the body of expectant mothers, stimulate body fluid and quench thirst, facilitate urine discharge and eliminate fatigue. Carambola juice contains a lot of oxalic acid, citric acid, malic acid and so on, which can improve the acidity of gastric juice and promote the digestion of food. Carambola contains a large number of volatile components, carotene compounds, carbohydrates, organic acids and vitamin B, C, etc. It can help eliminate throat inflammation and oral ulcers of expectant mothers. Red Maodan: It's delicious and helpful for digestion. Red Maodan is rich in carbohydrates, vitamins and mineral elements, and is suitable for expectant mothers. Long-term consumption can moisturize and nourish skin, clear away heat and detoxify, and enhance the immunity of expectant mothers.



