who make the decision

who make the decision

作者: 小欧ov | 来源:发表于2020-01-10 12:16 被阅读0次

Dear Toaster Master members, do you remember what’s yourfeeling about your last prepared speech. It’s the struggled feeling for writingspeech scripts, or it’s the feeling of pride of self-approval and peersrecognition. Will you do it another time? Do you remember what’s your feelingabout your last marathon. It’s the pain of exhausted. The hurt knees. Or it’sthe happiness of successfully self changenles. Will you run it another time ? Ithink  the answer is certainly yes, butwhy? Who make the decision.

Denil kaneman who won the noble prize in economic in 2002.Once did a ground breaking experiment. Volunteers were asked to take part in athree part experiment. Fristly. The short time experiment and long timeexperiment. For short time experiment. Volunteers were asked to put their handsin to 14 centigrade water for 1 minute. For long time experiment. Volunteerswere asked to put their hands in to 14 centigrade water for also 1 minutes.Then heat the water to 15 centigrade water for 30 seconds. 50 percent of them doshort time experiment firstly. Others do long time experiment firstly. After 7minutes all of them were asked to take part in third experiment. The differenceis that this time they can choose to do short time or long time experiment.What’s unexpected. More than 80 percent of them chose to do long timeexperiment.

This is a very simple experiment. But it told us there areat least two selves in our body. Experience self and narrating self. Experienceis our moment by moment consciousness. for experience self. Long time experimentis obviously more worse . You need tolerate not only 14 centigrade water butalso 30s 15 centigrade water. 15 centigrade water also make you feeluncomfortable. If let experience self make a decision. It will choose shorttime experiment. But experience self has no memory and it can not tell a story.More over when we make a decision we won’t ask the experience self ‘s opinion.At that time what’s matters is narrating self. Narrating self is always busywith weaving the threads of the past into story and make plan for the future.Narrating self won’t go into all details. Only the peak time and the finalresult is used to compile the story. For the narrating self. The short timeexperiment the peak time is very cold water. The end is very cold water, thelong time experiment the peak time is very cold water, the end is not that coldwater.so narrating self chose the long time experiment.

According to this theory, we can easily understand why itwas so struggled when write speech script, you will do it again and again , whyit was so exhausted when run marathon, many people are crazy about it. Thereare many examples in our daily life, as we all know, it’s extremely painful togive a birth to a baby. You may hear a mother to be say she will never have thesecond baby. But after 2 or 3 years. She did have the second baby, that’sbecause after she gave birth to a baby, she got much cares from family andfriends , escipelly she got a lovely baby, who is so dependent on her,narrating self will tells her that’s a beautiful thing

If you take your kid to get vaccinated. At the end give himsome candies, which will make this experience not so bad. Next time he will notso frustrated about it. From this view. The sayings.“长痛不如短痛”is not reasonable. But “好了伤疤忘了疼” is reasonable. If theprocess is terrible. It doesn’t matter. Try to make a good end. If the end isnot good. It is not the ending. Believe yourself you can overcome everything.Your narrating self will help you make the right decision, just be brave .




      本文标题:who make the decision
