literary a.文学上的,书卷气的 " War and peace" is a literary classic.
ventilate vt.使通风 ventilate the room
contaminate vt.弄污,使败坏 contaminate water \the environment
reconcile vt.使和好,使一致 reconcile the two extreme views
simulate v.模仿,冒充 try to simulate surprise
caption n.图片的说明文字,字幕 caption machine字幕机
combat n.斗争 vt.与…战斗 flee a combat 退出战斗 combat with one' s difficulties
sip v.小口抿 n.一小口的量 sip tea
psychiatrist n.精神病医生
nominate v.提名,任命 be nominated the best actor
slot n.缝隙,空位 vt.放入空隙中 place her card in the slot
solicitor n.律师