there is a little girl.u can say she is a traditional girl.why?because her grandpa is so traditional. he is very strict.however,the little girl grow up with her strict her grandma is? as a girl. she shouLd know respect for everyone in her life.and she shouLd stay at home.she can not go to the home of boys even neighborhood.And before sunset she shouLd go back home from outside.that's what i told u,my childhood is not very happy,i just have one brother,he always go outside,actually i always stay at home alone.why i told u this?because,u let me feel safe when i stay with u.if i did misunderstand.i call it love.
i know what i did now,this is just hurting myself,i am not somethIng u want it then u take it.when u don't want it.u throw it away.actually i can leave better,i can forget everything.but i am not that kind of perSon who can play her life, u let me love u.u leave all the memory to me,and.u said i fine u remember from when u changed.mabey u will find excuse again.but i know the truth.i don't know when i will stop this. but really.what i did now,because i don't want any regret after few years when i think about this.
before i can't see any one who smoking near i did this. thank you.let me become this kind of perSon.i did this just want to hate stupid and so weak.if a clever girl ,she will stop turing herself,as u said before. i am not a normal perSon.i am a u came to me.
the time u spent here with me just because u were alone, and i was a little kind.i believed you tear which u crying with me.i believed all the words u said.believed all the road u had a walk with me.i believed all the promise u said to me before.finally,i found Arabic perSon are good at let girl fall in love with him.i remember all the food which u like. but now i found that really actually i don't know u.i remember the feeling when u kiss my face,but i would never like your mom let u go away,said it's enough,u comfort me when i was sad, it's so fake,because u made the big sadness here.i know u don't care,my broken heart will cure by itself.really,i can't love anyone anymore.
i can't throw everthing u dropped here,all the things like me u dropped in the same way.both are u don't need.but i still keep everything even one perSon which wrote your name.i slept with your clothes,i really don't know how to forget. i still remember u said u give up every your friends yiyang then u stay with me.but do u forget,who stay here worry about u when u want to go shantou,when u go back from shantou.who is stay here worry about u, care about u.all my friends who know us,they all said i did all the things for u.i think that why u said i am special in your life.because really like a child.use her really heart to do everything for u.
now there is no yona in my life who let me feel bad,and here is also no a perSon who called kimo.but it's really fuck.let that little girl suffer alone's unfair.
to talk about your business,it's very difficult business man.but whatever happened .i really hope u can make it.wish everything u want will come ture. and live comfortable in China,for me i will continue my this life,because i have no way to choice.this is life it's really.thanks. u let me understand.
finally,when u need any help please tell me.i am always here. everything i did now.just because i am not good at's not good.but i shouLd face this problem.i wish one day i can meet u when i with my boyfriend or my husbandand.
if teacher liu let me teach again,i will be clever,i will not care.about anyone.oh.i will thank u. because u protect me before.thank u my,he speak in front of every my classmates.someone was asking me where is that big body.i really suffer from this. because this is no that perSon who called 克莫,and unfortunately.kale.bigbigbig....haha.she is still my teacher.this time i will not talk with her anymore.i hate everything which can let me think about u.u can come here easy.and back's good.i am envy this kind of perSon.
i wish i will.end all of this soon.oh i came to.that shop which on the first floor where u live.Alice took me go.but she was regreting to take me to that place.she care about my feeling.and she let me walk the inside of the street.she walk in that dangerous side .i am feeling guilty.i did everything for my lover.i ignored her before.but she cares about me.because i care about her.haha love her.
it's late.u have so much work to do.i want to ask u where are u .did u eat. are u still like before. that's really hurt me when i open your luggage before.u can't take care of yourself well.i worry about u.please take care about yourself well.u said i am the first girl u thought she is special in your life in China.haha because u come China.then u come here directly.i am the first one i really can forget u.forget is terrible.and i hope u will also not regret when u think about me.i love the perSon who love me.u will have so much in your life.i am just a perSon who can come and who can go.but i want to tell u. i am better then some of the girl least i don't have bad heart. i used my really heart to love u.i gave u everything.i will.put all the things which can let me think about u in a box.sadness can destroy a perSon.i have so much things to do.and the right perSon will come to me .what i need to do this do better then yesterday.if i am good. i will meet good need ask them idcard to go to library with u. no need to.wait chocolate.haha. see u. my memory. my. ....
...................a girl who called halan write this for the perSon who called kimo from yemen.oh. i will do one thing before 21years old.mabey u forgot. but i didn't.