懂你 L4-U2-P1-Dialogue

懂你 L4-U2-P1-Dialogue

作者: 西特西 | 来源:发表于2018-09-24 23:20 被阅读21次


  • ***Dialogue-"Smartphone Addiction"###

M:I took a vacation last night.

F: What are you talking about? Where did you take your vacation?

M:I didn’t go anywhere. I just left with my smartphone.

F: How was it.

M: It was great. I got a real magazine and read it with no interpretation. It was very peaceful.

F: Yes, I haven’t done that for a long time.

M:You know what, I begin to hate smartphone.

F: Really, but you can’t live without one, right.

M:Yes, that’s the problem. This change the way people live.

F: Yes, I just so on documentary about that. A husband was complaining his wife that she was spending too much time on her smartphone.

M:What happened, did they get divorced.

F: You guess it. In the end, they got divorced.

M:It is a bit ironic, don’t you think. Smartphones were supposed to bring people together, but they are pulling people apart.

F: Yes, you are right.

M:Hey, just a minute, I’ve a message on my smartphone and it can’t wait.

B: Hey, wake up and get back to work. What’s wrong with you.



  • Dialogue-"Rude Boss"

M:I’m on my break sir, and I had a bad headache.

B: Well, you’re not paying you to sleep. If you’re going to sleep, sleep some places else.

M:Yes, sir, it won’t happen again.

B: You had better not.

M:Just a minute. Don’t tell me like that.

B: What did you say.

M:You hurt me, you don’t have to treat people like that.

B: Well, if you don’t like it, I suggest you leave.

M:Ok, I will. I’ve had enough of you. I will get a job somewhere else.


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      本文标题:懂你 L4-U2-P1-Dialogue
