They are down to...

They are down to...

作者: 有乌云 | 来源:发表于2019-08-03 22:30 被阅读0次

Be down to 只剩下.../由...引起或造成的

down 失去,少了

I'm down to my last dollar.

We're down to half a bag of rice.

We're down to four guys.

You seem to be down one partner today.

down one partner 少了一个同伴

Be down to  由...引起或造成的

She claimed that her problems were down to the media.

Don't put this on me, It's down to you and no one else.

It's down to you 这是由你造成的

Down 比分落后

时间+left to go 还剩多少时间

be down by 以几分之差落后

They were six points down at one stage.

Still have a minute and a half left to go and we're down by two points, okay?

lead by 领先

leeds leads by one goal to nil

We beat them by three goals to nil

one goal to nil 1:0

MVP most valuable player

Who's the only player to be named MVP in both leagues?




We have that game tonight, It's quarterfinals.

The men's table tennis semifinals.


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