Henry Slesar(1927-2002)是美国二十世纪著名作家,写过大量的犯罪、侦探及科幻类小说,并曾与希区柯克合作,为其电视短剧撰写剧本,1957年他发表了短篇小说The Right Kind of House (PDF版原文在这里,改编的英文电视剧在这里)。
“I have to confess that I didn’t tell the truth to the policemen. I told them that you had robbed that black suitcase away.” Mrs. Grimes finished her long speech. The rocker squeaked for a while. When it stopped, she stood up.
Waterbury fell into deep sleep, as deep as dead.
She removed the worn rug. There was a hidden door on the floor. Right under the door, was the pit she dug on the basement ground five years ago. The basement had never dried after that flood; the pit was full of water.
She chuckled a little, “Waterbury! That is a prefect name.”
He was heavy. She stumbled pulling and pushing him toward the hidden door.
"The pit fitted him pretty well. " She claimed.
She went down the basement and covered the pit with pieces of wooden board. Then, she returned to the parlor, and cleaned up the empty glass. Everything seemed all right. She picked up the phone and made a call.
“Aaron? It’s over. I will meet you as planned.”
A few minutes later, she walked out of the house with a little black suitcase, and locked the door.
“The car is too fancy to an old lady like me,” She said to herself, “but I cannot just leave it here.”
It’s hot. Really hot.
She took off her heavy wool sweater and covered the little black suitcase on the passenger seat. Turning on the engine, she drove the car out of the town without once passing another moving vehicle.
