最近沉迷于Joan Baez的歌声中无法自拔。在网易音乐建了个专门的歌单,把所有能找到的她的歌都囊括其中。耳朵一旦有了闲暇,我就戴上耳机,将自己沉浸在Joan Baez的歌声里。在多年前看过的《阿甘正传》中,曾与Joan Baez的歌声有一面之缘,可惜当时没有深入了解而错过了。如今再次听到她的歌,有一种相逢恨晚的感觉。
Joan Baez翻唱过不少各国的民歌,其中有几首苏格兰民歌尤其让我感兴趣:《House Carpenter》、《Henry Martin》、《Mary Hamilton》。之所以对这几首歌感兴趣,不仅因为旋律悠扬,而且每一首都叙述了一个故事,不是那种国王或者英雄的史诗,而是某个被遗忘在历史角落里的小人物的故事。
House Carpenter-Joan Baez-网易音乐
House Carpenter(翻译来自网易音乐)
"Well met, well met, my own true love“再见,再见,我的真爱
Well met, well met", cried he再见,再见。”他哭道
"I've just returned from the salt, salt sea“我才从死海上归来
All for the love of thee"全是因为我对你的爱。
I could have married the king's daughter dear我本可与国王的爱女成婚,
She would have married me她本会嫁给我,
But I have forsaken her crowns of gold但我却放弃了她的金冠,
All for the love of thee全是因为我对你的爱。
”Well, if you could have married“假如你娶了
The king's daughter dear国王的爱女,
I'm sure you are to blame你一定会被谴责的。
For I am married to a house carpenter因为我已与一位木匠结婚,
And find him a nice young man并且发现他是一位好小伙。
”Oh, will you forsake your house carpenter“哦,你愿意放弃你的木匠,
And go along with me?并同我离去吗?
I'll take you to where the grass grows green我会带你去那绿草如茵之地,
To the banks of the salt, salt sea去那死海岸边。
”Well, if I should forsake my house carpenter“假如我放弃了我的木匠,
And go along with thee并随你离去,
What have you got to maintain me on你有什么可以供养我,
And keep me from poverty?并让我远离贫困?
”Six ships, six ships all out on the sea“六艘船,六艘船都已在海上,
Seven more upon dry land还有第七艘在陆地上。
One hundred and ten all brave sailor men全部一百一十位勇敢的水手,
Will be at your command将听从你的指令。”
She picked up her own wee babe她抱起她的小宝宝,
Kisses gave him three吻了他三遍,
Said, "Stay right here with my house carpenter
And keep him good company"好好地陪伴他。
”Then she put on her rich attire然后她穿上她的华服,
So glorious to behold如此光彩夺目。
And as she trod along her way当她步行于路上时,
She shown like the glittering gold她如同金子般闪闪发光。
Well, they'd not been gone“他们并没有离去,
But about two weeks只不过离开了大约两周。
I know it was not three我清楚不是三周。
”When this fair lady began to weep当这位美丽的小姐开始哭泣,
She wept most bitterly她哭得最为悲痛。
Ah, why do you weep, my fair young maid“啊,你为何哭泣,我美丽的少女?
Weep it for your golden store?为了你的好商店吗?
Or do you weep for your house carpenter还是为了你再也不见的
Who never you shall see anymore?木匠而哭泣?
”I do not weep for my house carpenter“我并不是为了我的木匠而哭泣,
Or for any golden store也不是为了什么好商店。
I do weep for my own wee babe我是为了我再也见不到的
Who never I shall see anymore自己的小宝宝而哭。
”Well, they'd not been gone“他们并未离去,
But about three weeks只是离开了大约三周。
I'm sure it was not four我确定不是四周。
”Our gallant ship sprang a leak and sank我们堂皇的大船断裂然后沉没,
Never to rise anymore再也不会浮起。
One time around spun our gallant ship我们堂皇的大船旋转了一圈,
Two times around spun she她旋转了两圈,
Three times around spun our gallant ship我们堂皇的大船旋转了三圈,
And sank to the bottom of the sea然后沉入海底。
What hills, what hills are those, my love“那些小山是什么,我的爱人,
That rise so fair and high?如此美丽又高耸?
”Those are the hills of heaven, my love“那些是天堂的小山,我的爱人,
But not for you and I但不是你和我的。
”And what hills, what hills are those, my love“那些小丘又是什么,我的爱人,
Those hills so dark and low?如此阴暗又低矮?”
Those are the hills of hell, my love“那些是地狱的小丘,我的爱人,
Where you and I must go是你我的归宿。”
《House Carpenter》讲述了少妇遇到了过去的情人,情人用财富诱惑她抛弃丈夫(即House Carpenter)和孩子,坐船私奔到了海上,最后双双淹死在海里的故事。看了下维基百科,这首歌又名《The Daemon Lover》(恶魔爱人),诱惑少妇的情人其实是恶魔,这与结尾处的歌词Those are the hills of hell, my love.Where you and I must go相呼应。
又找来其他几个版本的《House Carpenter》来听,故事主线大致相同,歌词略有出入,演唱者的演绎却各具特色,各有风味。
这首民谣被Francis James Child收录在The English and Scottish Popular Ballads (Child Ballad)中。这个选集收录了305首英格兰和苏格兰民谣,包括下面的《Henry Martin》和《Mary Hamilton》。
最后一次海战Henry Martin(自译歌词)
There were three brothers in merry Scotland
In merry Scotland there were three
And they did cast lots which of them should go
Should go should go
And turn robber all on the salt sea
The lot it fell first upon Henry Martin
The youngest of all the three
三兄弟中最年轻的Henry Martin中了签
That he should turn robber all on the salt sea
Salt sea the salt sea
For to maintain his two brothers and he
They had not been sailing but a long winter's night
A part of a short winter's day
When he espied a stout lofty ship
Lofty ship lofty ship
Come bibbing down on him straight way
Hello hello cried Henry Martin
What makes you sail so nigh
嗨嗨,Henry Martin大喊,你们为什么在这里航行?
I'm a rich merchant ship bound for fair London Town
London Town London Town
Would you please for to let me pass by
Oh no oh no cried Henry Martin
This thing it never could be
哦,不行不行,Henry Martin喊道,这样可不行
For I have turned robber all on the salt sea
Salt sea the salt sea
For to maintain my two brothers and me
Come lower your tops'l and brail up your mizz'n
And bring your ship under my lee
Or I will give you a full cannon ball
Cannon ball cannon ball
And all your dear bodies drown in the salt sea
Oh no we won't lower our lofty topsail
Nor bring our ship under your lee
And you shan't take from us our rich merchant goods
Merchant goods merchant goods
Nor point our bold guns to the sea
Then broadside and broadside and at it they went
For fully two hours or three
Till Henry Martin gave to them deathshot
The deathshot the deathshot
然后Henry Martin给了对方致命一击
And straight to the bottom went she
Bad news bad news to old England came
Bad news to fair London Town
There's been a rich vessel and she's cast away
Cast away cast away
And all of her merry men drowned
《Henry Martin》讲的是三兄弟中的老幺Henry Martin为了生活而当海盗,劫掠并击沉了一艘驶往英格兰的商船的故事。据维基百科,这首歌的歌名和主角曾是Andrew Barton,后来才改成了Henry Martin。Andrew Barton曾在苏格兰国王詹姆斯四世的授权下,对葡萄牙商船进行武装劫掠。但因做得太过火被指控有罪,在经历了最后一次海战之后,被英格兰人杀死。在最初的版本的歌词中,叙述了Andrew Barton的生平,但后来逐渐变短,才有了现在的版本。
四个MaryMary Hamilton(自译歌词)
Word is to the kitchen gone, and word is to the Hall
And word is up to Madam the Queen, and that's the worst of all
That Mary Hamilton has borne a babe
To the highest Stuart of all
Mary Hamilton为斯图尔特国王生了个孩子
Oh rise, arise Mary Hamilton
Arise and tell to me
噢,平身吧Mary Hamilton,平身然后告诉我
What thou hast done with thy wee babe
I saw and heard weep by thee
I put him in a tiny boat
And cast him out to sea
That he might sink or he might swim
But he'd never come back to me
Oh rise arise Mary Hamilton
Arise and come with me
噢,平身吧Mary Hamilton,平身然后跟我来
There is a wedding in Glasgow town
This night we'll go and see
She put not on her robes of black
Nor her robes of brown
But she put on her robes of white
To ride into Glasgow town
And as she rode into Glasgow town
The city for to see
The bailiff's wife and the provost's wife
Cried Alack and alas for thee
You need not weep for me she cried
You need not weep for me
For had I not slain my own wee babe
This death I would not dee
Oh little did my mother think
When first she cradled me
The lands I was to travel in
And the death I was to dee
Last night I washed the Queen's feet
And put the gold in her hair
And the only reward I find for this
The gallows to be my share
Cast off cast off my gown she cried
But let my petticoat be
And tie a napkin round my face
The gallows I would not see
Then by them come the king himself
Looked up with a pitiful eye
Come down come down Mary Hamillton
下来吧,Mary Hamillton,下来吧
Tonight you will dine with me
Oh hold your tongue my sovereign liege
And let your folly be
For if you'd a mind to save my life
You'd never have shamed me here
Last night there were four marys
tonight there'll be but three
T'was Mary Beaton nd Mary Seton
And Mary Carmichael and me.
她们是Mary Beaton、Mary Seton、 Mary Carmichael,还有我
处刑前的Mary Hamilton歌中的Mary Hamilton是苏格兰王后的侍女,怀了国王的孩子。她淹死了孩子,被判绞刑。在刑场她痛骂国王的虚伪,慷慨赴死。
有人考证过Mary Hamilton的真实身份。根据歌词结尾处出现的四个Mary,Mary Hamilton可能是苏格兰女王玛丽一世的侍女,她有四个名叫Mary的侍女。但玛丽一世的生平与歌词并不相符,而且在歌词中出现的是苏格兰国王,不是女王。与歌词最相符的人物在俄国,名叫Maria Danilova Gamentova。她是Tsarina Catherine,即后来叶卡捷琳娜一世的侍女,也是彼得一世的情妇。在叶卡捷琳娜还是彼得一世的妻子时候,Maria Danilova Gamentova曾溺毙了自己的孩子,后因堕胎、杀婴、偷窃和诽谤被判死刑,并被斩首。Maria Danilova Gamentova是苏格兰裔,家族姓氏为Hamilton。所以《Mary Hamilton》可能是从多个历史人物中吸取灵感,经过加工而创作出来的。
又看了看Maria Danilova Gamentova的介绍,除了彼得大帝之外,她还另有一个情夫Ivan Mikhailovich Orlov。为了留住情夫,她不惜从叶卡捷琳娜处偷东西送给Orlov。后因其他事情,Orlov供出了与Maria的关系,并指控她堕胎。搜查Maria的房间时,发现了叶卡捷琳娜失窃的物品。Maria承认了盗窃和杀婴的事情,但拒绝提供对Orlov不利的证词。Maria被判死刑后,叶卡捷琳娜向彼得求情但没有回应。Maria上刑场时穿的正是白色的衣服。她被人用剑斩首,而不是用斧子,因为彼得向她许诺刽子手不会触碰她的身体。斩首后,彼得大帝拿起头,作了一番关于解剖的演讲,亲了一下,然后扔掉了。之后Maria的头被保存在俄罗斯科学院中,一直到叶卡捷琳娜二世的时代。好一个痴情又薄命的红颜啊。