展讯:精神密码/国际艺术联展(07/30 下午17:00 狼空间

展讯:精神密码/国际艺术联展(07/30 下午17:00 狼空间

作者: 狼泊弯WOIF | 来源:发表于2019-07-27 03:19 被阅读0次


                  International art exhibition

精神密码 / 国际艺术联展

学术:畅泉 / 策展:许秋斌 / 出品:谭念一(多多)




时间:2019.07.30 (周二 17:00 开幕)

主办:泉国际艺术 / 二十四桥传媒 / 北京三艺堂 / 狼泊弯


Spirit Codes- International Joint Exhibition

Academics: Chang Quan

Curator: Xu Qiubin

Producer: Tan Nianyi (Duo Duo)


(Listed in order of initials)

Chang quan, HeJi, Hongfeng, HuaJiMing, Jun-qiang Hu, GouXiong, guang-ming li, Tie-jun Li, Li xinmo, Linan, ya-wei li, ray MiYi melting (method), LanJingHua, lulin, Linzi, Liu Yuhua, Moli, Ma Zelin (method), natalya miller (method), qi zhilong,ShiXueJin, Shen Yiran, SaZi, st, Tian Liusha, Wu Zhenhuan, Wu Jiarui, Wu Qiang, Wu YiQiang, Xiaorong-wang, Dongmei-wang, ZaiBei-Wang, Xu Zhongping, Xu Qiubin, India (bharat, li jin),YiYan,YuZhenHuan(Maohai), Zhaobin, Zhigang- zhao, Zhufadong

Opening Date and Time: July 30, 2019.07.30 (Tuesdayat17:00)

Exhibition Site: Wolf Space (courtyard opposite north gate of 89 art district, songzhuang, Beijing; Location navigation: Rong Art School)

Sponsor: Spring International Art / 24 Bridges media/Beijing Three Arts Hall/Wolf Space


(策展人 / 许秋斌)

推动一个民族、一个地区、一个时代艺术文化发展虽是各种因素的合力,但有时,特定的人物,特别的作品,特殊的事件,对一个民族、一个地区、一个时代艺术文化的发展,在某种意义上起了决定性的作用,影响了发展进程,或将一个民族、一个地区、一个时代艺术文化发展推进几十年,甚至几个世纪;或延迟了一个民族、一个地区、一个时代艺术文化发展的脚步,甚至消失。 【精神密码】艺术的DNA,她就像空气中的水,无形却存在,并时刻决定着人类的生存时间与空间! 【精神密码】国际艺术联展,我们不论肤色,不问出处,只要足够精彩!这次联展邀请国內国际四十一位深具艺术创新独立特质和追求艺术创作自由精神高度的知名艺术家构成【精神密码】艺术联展的四十一个编码,【精神密码】宋庄狼空间7月30日为您解密!

(20190725许秋斌 )

Write in [spirit code] before the international art joint exhibition -- - xu qiubin Promote a nation, a region, an era of artistic and cultural development of various factors are combined, but sometimes, specific characters, special, special events, to a nation, a region, an era of artistic and cultural development, plays a decisive role in a sense, has affected the development process, or a nation, a region, artistic and cultural development to promote an era for decades, even centuries; Or delay the development of art and culture of a nation, a region, an era, or even disappear. The DNA of art, she is like the water in the air, invisible but existing, and always determines the survival time and space of human beings! [spirit code] international art joint exhibition, we regardless of color, do not ask the source, as long as enough wonderful! This joint exhibition invites 41 domestic and international well-known artists with artistic innovation and independence characteristics and the pursuit of artistic creation freedom to constitute the 41 codes of the "spirit code" art joint exhibition, "spirit code" song zhuang Wolf space on July 30 for your decryption!

(20190725 Xu Qiubin)

Wo international contemporary art

An international contemporary art

platform for the whole world

International collectors are welcome


狼泊弯 / WOLF



      本文标题:展讯:精神密码/国际艺术联展(07/30 下午17:00 狼空间
