To know the stories

To know the stories

作者: 蔚海山庄三六子 | 来源:发表于2020-08-04 20:42 被阅读0次

    Aesop's Fables told us about animals stories. A Fox wanting something for himself, always make a story to say to others. We all know that animals could not make stories in all of history in the world. But the human sapiens have been making told the stories all the time.

    Since childhood, I have been told lots of stories. All of our life we are living in stories which someone told us for their purpose. My hometown has a saying: you are counting the money for someone who sold you, but you don't know where their money comes from what business. In my career, my first job was a teller, counting money for others.

    Forty years ago, I wanted to go to university,the purposes may have better careers and to make big money. Today, I am going to study some online courses at Yale University.  I decide to selected history and philosophy, and I don't want anything else,I am most wish to understand the stories which they told me in my life and history of the world.


    伊索寓言告诉我们关于动物的故事。狐狸想为自己做点什么,总是编一个故事讲给别人听。我们都知道,在人类历史上,动物是不可能创造故事的。但是人类一直在编故事。从小到大,我都听过很多故事。 我们的一生都生活在别人告诉我们的故事里。我的家乡有一句话:你在为卖你的人数钱,却不知道他们的钱是从哪里来的;在我的职业生涯中,我的第一份工作是当出纳员,替别人数钱。 四十年前,我想上大学,目的可能是有更好的事业和赚大钱。今天,我打算去耶鲁大学学习一些在线课程。我决定选择历史和哲学,我不想要其他任何东西,我最想了解的是他们在我的生活和世界历史上告诉我的故事。



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