

作者: 武翰2019 | 来源:发表于2020-03-11 07:52 被阅读0次

Preparing for a speech is one of the best ways to ensure you give an effective presentation.

Try these tips to help you properly prepare:

· Organize your speech in a logical sequence: opening, main points, summary.

· Practice and rehearse a speech frequently prior to delivering it. Ask friends to be your audience, or practice in front of a mirror. Be sure to use a timer to help you pace your speech.

· Become familiar with the stage or the setting where the speech will take place. Get a sense of the size of the stage, where any steps or obstacles might be, and where to enter and exit.

· Choose comfortable clothes to wear, but always maintain a professional appearance.

· Visual aids should fit a speech, whether they are funny, serious or technical. The main goal of visual aids is to help the audience understand what is being said, and reinforce the points of a speech in unique and interesting ways.


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