D2~Getting up early

D2~Getting up early

作者: Janice丝语 | 来源:发表于2022-01-18 07:21 被阅读0次

Getting up early is a good habit, while in winter it’s cruel.

We have to say goodbye with the fantastic dream and struggle to pop up yourself from the warm and comfortable conditions. If we don’t muster up the courage, how can we deal with our laziness? For the responsible guy, sometimes the urgent job targets have the effect. We prefer the external stimuli to do the favor. It could be the best option to make an easy life. Why not our intrinsic motivation? Getting up is a piece of cake in the daily life. It’s unnecessary to make full use of willpower.

So what about this morning? How did I deal with myself?

Curiosity does something different as usual.




      本文标题:D2~Getting up early
