小企鹅学游泳Little penguin learns to s

小企鹅学游泳Little penguin learns to s

作者: 萝卜mama | 来源:发表于2017-03-01 19:56 被阅读0次

相约8.00 “和宝宝一起学英文群”。 人生第一次。

It was an important day for little penguin. 这一天,对小企鹅来说是个特别重要的日子。He was going swimming for the very first time. 这是他第一天游泳的日子。Little penguin was nervous about learning to swim. 小企业对于学游泳有点紧张,but he wanted to splash and play with his friend. 但是他想玩水以及和朋友们一起玩。So he started to slowly waddle along the icy path towards the big blue ocean. 所以他开始慢慢地摇摇摆摆沿着通向蓝色大海的冰路走下去。 Little penguin was shuffling through the snow, 小企鹅正在练习在雪中摆动,practicing flapping his flippers and wiggling his feet, when he saw little bird hopping towards him.练习拍打他的鳍,扭动他的脚,突然他看见一只小鸟跳着朝他走过来。"I am learning to fly", said little bird. “我在学飞呢”小鸟说。“are you scared"asked little penguin. ”你害怕吗“, 小企鹅问。”Not really, I'm not very good yet, but I can almost got off the ground, " said the little bird proudly. “还好呢,我还飞不太好,不过我已经差不多能够离开地面”,小鸟很自豪地说。 Little penguin continued down the icy path to the ocean. 小企鹅一直沿着冰冻的路朝着大海走下去。Suddenly, he saw a black shadow on the fluffy white snow.  突然,他看到白色毛茸茸的雪上出现了一个黑色的影子。High, above him in the bright blue sky was little bird, twirling and swooping through the air. 高高 明亮的蓝天上,一只小小鸟在盘旋空气中穿梭。"I am finally flying" little bird squarked happily. “我终于会飞了”小鸟开心自言自语着。 As he was practising wiggling his feet, little penguin heard a splash and little seal jumped up on the ice beside him. 当他正在练习扭动他的脚,小企鹅听到一水花声,小海狮跳到了他旁边的冰块上。"I am learning to fish" said little seal happily. “我在学习捕鱼呢”小海狮开心地说。"Are you scared?" asked little penguin. 小企鹅问“你害怕吗” “Not really, I haven't caught anything yet, but it's lots of fun". ”还好呢,我还没有捕捉到任何东西,但是这个很好玩“ Little seal saw a school of fish swimming past, so she quickly plunged back into the water. 小海狮看到一群鱼游过,所以她很快潜入水底。 Waddling on, little penguin heard a big splash and an excited shout. 小企鹅继续往前挪的时候,他听到一个巨大的水花和一声激动的叫喊。“Look, little penguin"快看,小企鹅,cried little seal 小海狮大叫"I caught a fish" 我抓住了一条鱼。 little seal whizzed off to show all of her other friends.小海狮呼喊地告诉她所有的朋友。 Little penguin felt tired. 小企鹅觉得好累,so he sat down for a rest. 所以他坐下来休息一会。As he was sitting on the ice, 当他坐在冰上的时候,a big wave splashed him. 一个巨浪冲了过来。"Sorry,little penguin" said little whale. “对不起啊,小企鹅”,小鲸鱼说“I am learning to jump" 我在学习跳跃。 ”Are you scared?" asked little penguin “你害怕吗?” 小企鹅问小鲸鱼。"Not really, so far I've only done bellyflops, but I can almost get high enough for big jumps"."还好呢,我还只会肚皮翻,但我几乎可以到一个高度我可以做一个大的跳跃“,said little whale, 小鲸鱼说,weaving through the waves, 他透着大浪朝着小企鹅招手。 As little penguin got to his feet and shuffled on, he saw a shape jumping high above him.  It was little whale, leaping above the waves! "Look at this one" cried little whale, somersaulting through the air.小企鹅站起身,拖着脚继续走,他看见高空中有一个形状,原来是小鲸鱼,跳跃在大浪之上!"看看这一跳"小鲸鱼大叫着,在空中翻筋斗。 LIttle penguin was still worrying about how to flap his flippers and wiggle his feet. He could see all of his friends splashing and sliding into the water, playing lots of fun games. 小企鹅还在担心如何拍打他的鳍状肢和摆动他的脚。他能看到他的朋友都在打水,滑入水中,玩着很开心的游戏。 LIttle penguin waddled to the edge and looked down into the deep, dark water, It looked very cold and he didn't want to go in.  But then he thought about his friends and how they were not scared to learn new things.小企鹅摇摇摆摆地走到边缘,低下头朝着深深,有点暗的水看下去,水看起来很冷,他不想进去。但他转念一想,想到他的朋友,她们一点不害怕学习新事物。 Little penguin shuffled closer and, with a deep breath, slid on his tummy and slipped easily into the water.  Just like he had practiced, little penguin flapped his flippers and wiggled his feet, twirling and twisting through the water. 小企鹅摆得更近了,他深吸一口气,在他的肚子上滑和轻松地滑入水中。就像他曾经练习过,小企鹅拍打他的鳍状肢,摆动他的脚,捻转和扭转穿梭在水中。 Little penguin whizzed over to his friends to join in with their games.  Even though he had been nervous before, little penguin couldn't wait to come back for more fun tomorrow! 小企鹅加入了朋友们的游戏,从她们身边嗖嗖地飞过。尽管他之前很紧张过,不过,现在,小企鹅就迫不及待明天回来再玩!



      本文标题:小企鹅学游泳Little penguin learns to s
