1. 英英释义:involving problems and difficult to deal with
例句:Driving in Beijing can be quite problematic.
2. 为什么选这个词?
我们都熟悉“problem”是“问题”的意思,它的形容词形式 problematic 其实也很常见。Problematic 的字面意思是“有问题的”,不过常常可以在不同场景中灵活翻译,比如“困难重重”“难以处理”,是一个我们熟悉但是想不起来用的小词。
在北京开车很容易出现各种各样的问题,比如交通堵塞、停车等,我们这时就可以用 problematic 来吐槽:Driving in Beijing can be quite problematic.
对许多学习者来说,最大的语言问题是词汇量不足。这时我们就可以说:Acquiring an adequate vocabulary has been highly problematic for most learners.
某个问题依然存在,我们除了用“remain a problem”外,还可以用 remain problematic,比如共享出行依然有许多问题:Ride-sharing services remain problematic.
《经济学人》中也会经常出现 problematic,比如在提到中国的人口政策时,它说:A population-planning document released last year acknowledged that the low birth rate was problematic.
在提到美国对科技公司的监管时也用到了problematic:For firms with free products, such as Facebook and Google, such regulation could prove problematic.
搭配:be/remain/become highly/quite problematic for sb.
/remain problematic=remain uncertain
Problematic applies especially to things whose existence, meaning, fulfillment, or realization is highly uncertain.
Something problematic poses a problem or causes difficulties.