Speaker: Peter Calthorpe
Key words:城市 建设
Abstract:Peter Calthorpe 建议我们抛弃以前让城市野蛮生长的做法,为建设更智能更可持续且更适合人居住的城市,我们需要对城市交通,街区进行更智能的规划,对此他给出了7个规划的原则。
@TED: More than half of the world's population already lives in cities, and another 2.5 billion people are projected to move to urban areas by 2050. The way we build new cities will be at the heart of so much that matters, from climate change to economic vitality to our very well-being and sense of connectedness. Peter Calthorpe is already at work planning the cities of the future and advocating for community design that's focused on human interaction. He shares seven universal principles for solving sprawl and building smarter, more sustainable cities.
How we shape our cities?
Old way: sprawl
New way: growing smart
How to do it:
Principle: Focus human interaction
- PRESERVE: Preserve natural ecologies, agrarian landscapes and cultural heritage sites
- Mix: Create mixed-use and mixed-income neighborhoods
- WALK: Design walkable street and human scale neighborhoods
- BIKE: Prioritize bicycle networks and auto-free streets
- Connect:Increase density of road network,limit block size
- RIDE: Develop high quality transit and affordable BRT
- FOCUS: Match density and fnoc to transit capacity
Related: 张永和 | 城市蔓延和中国