

作者: 拿铁苏 | 来源:发表于2016-09-21 22:59 被阅读0次


    节选自:张思宏 @ 没空读书

    The family you were born in;
    The wife you've married;
    The company you worked for;
    The above mentioned 3 factors determines your life: Your birth family builds your personality/upbringing/value; Your wife teaches you how to love and to be loved; and the culture and environment of your workplace trains you how to deal with people and how to live on your own. Foreign companies makes it into shape of my lifestyle and the way I'm thinking, rather than teach me how to succeed in my career. All of the factors influenced and revised my value and my pursuit of life in reverse, which can be generalized as following:

    1. 工作是生活的重要组成部分,二者密不可分。但工作不是生活的全部,因为你最终要回答的不是自己能取得什么样的职业成就,而是你想要的是一种什么样的生活。
      Work is an important part of life, and they are indivisible. Work can't be the whole part of your life, because the final answer is not your achievement on your career but your pursuit of your life.

    2. 尊重个体:一个好的企业是允许/鼓励甚至积极创造个体的多样性,个体对团体归属感是建立在每个人发自内心的对企业文化认同的基础上的,个体的声音不应该被忽视和有意的隐藏—即便它有时和团队的主旋律有所不同。
      Individual respects: A good company should allow/encourage even actively create individual diversity. The loyalty or the sense of belonging to the group is based on the mutual agreement on the culture of the company, and companies should not ignore or conceal any thoughts from individuals- even though sometimes it'll conflict with the company's value.

    3. 家人/健康/快乐是人生最宝贵的财富,那些付诸于work and lifebalance的努力应该受到认可和支持,这和你对企业的承诺和责任心并不矛盾。
      Family/Health/Happiness would be your most cherished life fortune. Those who trying hard to pursue the work and life balance deserve understanding and supports. There's no contractions to their promise and responsibilities to the company.

    4. 要有底线,要有底线,要有底线……
      Bottom Line. Bottom Line. Bottom Line.

    It was seven years ago that I started teaching MBA , when students were very enthusiasm at get knowing foreign companies and how to entering one. I answered millions of phone calls from students by asking me for helping them to get into one of them on every graduate season. However, as time goes by, the topics at class unconsciously turned from " how to copy the success of Tangjun(Ex CEO of Microsoft China)" to "Who would be the next Alibaba?", or " Venture investing, national entrepreneurship, Majiajia's sexual toys and how to become a Bossy CEO for 90's generation?" My halo of becoming a "successful" professional manager was not as glory as before. What's more important are those drawbacks that foreign companies were born with, such as lack of the knowledge of Chinese national conditions; not localized marketing and sales strategy; the domestic leaders can't make any effective change in time due to the controlling by headquarters; long decision process in these big companies... All of these results in a deep doubt that if it's still necessary for me to keep staying in foreign companies.

    At the same time, as a outsider, I was very curious about the success of China private enterprises represented by Alibaba\ Lenovo---which is a complicated feeling mixed with self-esteem and self-abased; from the bottom of my heart, I regard them as upstarts. I remember that one year ago, a headhunter organized a interview for me to "one of Weixiaobao's wife" ( employees in A company are all named after the characters from Chinese Kongfu novels, and Weixiaobao is a famous one who has a lot of wife. ). After the interview, This Mis Wei commented on me with a joke like " you superior foreign companies' men", with a tone of contempt. I felt in the same way though, thinking:" If I was the guy who interviewed you 15 years ago, you would have been rejected as you are not qualify enough". Although there are always opportunities coming up, I've been not brave enough to step into this unknown area due to unmatching value until Jan. 2016.

    Pushed by my nature, I eventually did not resist my innate curiosity and so I choose to join an ecotype internet company which is eye-catching but not understandable for most people. From a job and industry perspective I really liked it: I had more responsibilities, it was very challenging and compared to foreign companies with a "silo" view and organizational structure, it was very open. Everyday I was learning something new and the speed of change was incredible. But at the same time this type of job, full of challenges and definitely not short of teachings, had certain aspects that I could not accept and that I was beginning to hate. This hot and cold feeling made me struggle to make a decision while I was already in the middle of it and this is the true portrait of the status of the last 5 months.

    Answers to Why Quit with few specific scenes:


    Masturbation on Wechat ( Formalism VS Motivated by heart)

    I advocate independent and self-respect personality, which is obvious on my Wechat Moments (only reachable for friends\Families\close working staff\students, with life moments instead of ads for companies.)

    The first week of the new company, the number of new added friend is over the total amount of the past few years.
    It turns out the Moment would be like this:

    A. 转发Funder的Post—而且连标点符号都不带改的。
    Forward your funder's post- without changing a tiny punctuation.


    It's so late at night with the clock just rang twice, but the office is still lighting and every team member is still fighting for our great dream, carry on, I love you!!

    C/D/E/F/G-Refers to A/B,nothing else……

    I feel uncomfortable with using wechat in the begining:On one hand, it's so immature to forward this kind of article, without mentioning the contents and tunes; On the other hand, it'll be regard as unaligned with team if you don't forward.
    One day I met a colleague who entered the company 1 year ago and he's my ex-colleague in an foreign company. He laughed at my innocent and asked me to register another account specially for forwarding company issues.


    Panic at Press Conferences: ( Individual VS Group)

    The Company is known by good at holding marketing oriented press conferences, and i'm lucky to witness one in my short service period, which I could say a touching your Soul Point G event:
    In order to announce the coming promotion event, the company hold an Press Conference in a stadium named by the company. The climax came up with the Funder controlling a auto-drive car with smart phone, while telling the story of his dream and vision. Everyone stood up with thunderous applause, even cried sadly and excitedly. What about me?
    Panic as a weirdo in the tear rain....


    Sigh at senior management meeting: ( Ideal VS Reality )



    Every big event is named as XX Battle and managed and coordinate by a specialized team. It is necessary to go overseas to show their capabilities for most Chinese company, so it's important to turn the brands up globally. In order to coordinate the inner resource of the company, the team invited the foreign Leaders( just attended the company) from XX country. After the foreign team presented their proposal, Funder and other senior managers found this not excited enough, don't even get any idea of the successful marketing philosophy of the company.

    At the moment, one Leader, who is regarded by the funder once as the top one that understand his philosophy and culture most throughly in the company, just can't help to awake those stupid foreigners that:

    It'll be useless if you do this, you should... it works every time and you should try it in the US!

    (sue: Here the writer omitted the Leader's suggestion, I assume that it would be something like creating some negative comments on competitors etc. )

    I'm not as innocent as I was 20 years ago, and I'm not stupid enough to stand up and argue with the unbelievable no bottom-line speeches. But at the bottom of my heart, I can't even deny that it is the most effective and successful marketing method without doubt- especially in China today.

    I hope it's only a short-term pain on the way of socialization, and the social\company\individual value would go back on the right track in the end.





    By curious and for retention, my boss asked me to talk about the reason for quitting only after 5 months working. After a deep thinking and I answered as a shy young guy:

    I'd like to use the Wechat by my own willing. I don't want to live against my own value.

    I'm not giving you any advise here. But if you asked what's my personal choice, I would say without hesitation that:

    There's at least one thing that I won't compromise: I want to live with my self-respect and self-esteem, without selling and twisting my value...That's all.



