

作者: orcl_zhang | 来源:发表于2016-07-27 16:24 被阅读370次
    1. Three months ago I made a statement in an interview with Morgen Peck as follows:

    2. 三个月以前,在一次对Morgen Peck采访中,我做过这样的陈述,如下所述:

    I generally support just about every secession attempt that comes along,” he says. “If in the future there is that kind of a dispute in Ethereum, I’d definitely be quite happy to see Ethereum A go in one direction and Ethereum B go the other.

    “我一般赞同每一个出现的分裂企图,”他说,“如果未来在Ethereum中有一种争吵,我一定会很高兴看到Ethereum A朝一个方向发展,而Ethereum B朝另外一个方向发展。”

    I do have principles, and this is a principle that I have so far held consistently. It would of course be grossly hypocritical for me to (correctly) decry bitcoin maximalism back in 2014, and then start shouting "one chain to rule them all! network effects!" the moment it becomes suitable to me. Rather, I believe, just as I had stated in my 2014 post on silos, that:


    If there truly is one consensus mechanism that is best, why should we not have a large merger between the various projects, come up with the best kind of decentralized computer to push forward as a basis for the crypto-economy, and move forward together under one unified system? In some respects, this seems noble; “fragmentation” certainly has undesirable properties, and it is natural to see “working together” as a good thing. In reality, however, while more cooperation is certainly useful, and this blog post will later describe how and why, desires for extreme consolidation or winner-take-all are to a large degree exactly wrong – not only is fragmentation not all that bad, but rather it’s inevitable, and arguably the only way that this space can reasonably prosper.

    如果真的存在一种共识机制是最好的,为什么我们不应该合并所有这些所有不同的项目,形成一个最好的去中心化计算机作为基础推动密码学的发展,在统一的系统下共同进步?在某些方面,这听起来有些高尚;“分裂”肯定有不好的一些属性,很自然地认为“一起工作”是一件很好的事情。然而事实是,更多的合作确实有用,但是这篇文章稍后会描述为什么以及如何,追求极度的团结或者赢者全赢是一个更大程度上的完全错误 – 并不是所有的分裂都是坏的,而且它也是不可避免的,可以说在这一方面适度的繁荣是有利的。

    I personally admittedly find ETC's social contract, community and raison d'être less exciting and satisfying and would not personally feel the same passion for it that I do for ETH, but this is simply my judgement, and the judgement of the very many members of the community that have voted or otherwise expressed assent to the fork. Anyone who feels sufficiently strongly in the other direction is welcome to focus on the ETC chain, and we will see if it remains viable.

    我个人尊重ETC的社会契约性,社区和raison d'être不满意我个人对ETH的处理方案,但是这是我的简单判断以及社区大多数人,通过投票或者其他表达支持分叉。任何人如果有强烈的意愿到另外一个方向,欢迎他专注于ETC链,我们也会见证它是否可行。

    1. But those were just my beliefs and intermediate values. How do we know that this "let a hundred flowers bloom" position is actually correct? We can actually discover a lot of facts from the current situation. First of all, though we can see that the price of ETH + ETC has been remarkably stable around $14.3 for the past 2.5 days, despite great volatility in each component. This is still early-stage, but suggests that the value of at least the cryptocurrency component of the ecosystem actually isn't a superlinear function that favors monopoly.

    2. 但是这些只是我的信仰和中立的价值观。我们怎么确认“让100朵花开放”的观点是真正正确的呢?事实上在当前情况下,我们可以发现很多事实。首先,尽管我们看到ETH + ETC在过去的2.5天里有一个相当稳定的价格在$14.3附近,尽管两个部分都有很大的波动性。这依然是在早期阶段,所以依然提醒两个加密货币的价格事实上并不是完全符合超线性函数。

    Second, we can see from several sources (including exchange order books, but also public pronouncements from Barry Silbert et al) that incoming interest into ETC is actually coming from the bitcoin side even more than it is from the ethereum side. And this is a core tenet of blockchain pluralism: by leaving open an option to join an alternate system if an individual so chooses, you can satisfy the varying needs of larger groups of people.

    另外,我们可以从其他渠道看到(包括交易所的交易,也包括来自Barry Silbert一些公开声明),更多的来自于bitcoin方而不是ethereum方的人对ETC表现出兴趣。区块链多元化的核心原则:开放对其他系统的选择权,如果一个人想要选择,你可以满足更多人的不同需求。

    1. I may as well offer my own views on hard forking. I do not believe that using hard forks as a primary paradigm to resolve thefts or to deal with unethical applications is a long-term viable strategy. This time, we got very lucky that the stolen DAO ETH were conveniently stuck in a known address for 35 days. Next time around, the funds will likely be being sold on exchanges before the developers even know it, and the only solution will be a rollback - and Casper will make rollbacks infeasible due to its economic finality mechanism in any case.

    2. 我同样想表达对硬分叉的我的个人观点。我不认为使用硬分叉会一种主要手段来解决偷盗和不道德的应用,在长期可行的方案中。这一次,我们比较兴趣地被盗的DAO ETH锁定在一个已知地址里35天。下一次,资金可能在开发者知道以前就被卖到交易所里了,唯一的解决办法可能是回滚 - 在任何情况下,Casper会使回滚不可行,因为经济的不可改变机制。

    3b) "Evil dapps" can constantly move their contracts around in ways that evade a necessarily slow-moving hard fork, so while we can annoy them, "softer" means of mitigating the harm of such applications must necessarily still be sought out.

    3b) “邪恶Dapps”可以不断地移动他们的合约,逃避必要的缓慢进行的硬分叉,所以虽然我们非常讨厌他们,“减轻”意味着较少这样的应用带来的伤害,一定需要不停地继续寻找。

    3c) The blockchain itself is very far from the eventual vision of a hyper-scalable, efficient and secure world computer and will see several more iterations to move closer to that goal; if you wish you may view Casper as a completely independent blockchain that happens to have a 100% state-copying premine from ETH, and in fact this may even be the cleanest way to implement it in code. I personally was okay with a fork in light of this context, together with a philosophical belief that a principle does not need to have literally infinite weight in order to have value.

    3c) 区块链本身距离事实上的高伸缩性,高性能和安全的世界计算机这样的愿景还很遥远,我们还会看到不断的迭代和循环来更近一步地接近这个目标;如果你期望你能看到Casper作为一个完全独立的区块链,拥有100%的状态拷贝从ETH,事实上这是从代码上最干净的方式来实现它了。我个人对这种分叉表示可以接受考虑到这种情况下,并且有一句哲学谚语“原则并不需要无限权重,这样它才有价值“。

    In the near to mid-term future, I expect that there will be many small applications rather than one big application, and so no single failure will be enough to greatly impact the ecosystem; hence it strikes me as quite unlikely that application rescue hard forks will become a regular thing (note that some disagree; Vlad would love to have hard forks for many more things, though I'll let him defend his own views :) )


    At this point, I am hypothetically open to two kinds of application rescue hard forks:


    i) A fork in the very unlikely case that the Solidity compiler proves to have a serious bug that puts 5-10 million ETH in danger.

    i) 一种分叉,一种非常不可能的情况是Solidity 编译器证明有一个非常严重bug,导致500-1000万ETH在危险状态。

    ii) There has been a medium amount of ether that has been sent to unspendable addresses because users were using buggy ethereum-js libraries that created the address from the public key incorrectly. I would be OK with a change, for example as part of metropolis, that adds a new transaction type that effectively makes the most common categories of such unspendable addresses spendable by their cryptographically provable rightful owners (but I would only be ok with this with broad consensus and even still it's dependent on technical feasibility and tradeoffs in code complexity).

    ii) 中等数额的ether被发送到一个不能花费的地址,因为用户使用了有bug的ethereum-js库,没有正确地从public key创建地址。我可以接受为此做些改变,比如作为metropolis,增加一种新的交易类型,有效地使多数普通类型的不能花费地址可以花费,通过密码学上证明他们是正确的拥有者(但是我只是表示可以接受在广泛共识的情况下,而且它也会取决于技术可行性和代码负责度)。

    In the future, I suspect that both possibilities will recede over time.


    3d) In the short and medium term, we are still under conditions of high technical uncertainty. For example, Vlad and I continue to argue about whether or not a fixed currency supply can offer sufficient incentives through transaction fees alone to secure the network. If we had agreed, for example, to a "100 million ETH and never a single bit more" principle on day one, we would have dug ourselves into a rather deep hole if the research ends up showing that low inflation (or something more complex, like expected low deflation but the possibility of low inflation under conditions of low Casper participation) is the only safe way forward. Similarly, "it is possible to create a contract that lasts forever" is also something that is economically dangerous to commit to. Hence, principles on these kinds of matters may need to be settled only later.

    3d) 在短期和中期,我们始终在一种高度的技术不确定性条件下。比如,Vlad和我继续争论是否修改货币供应量,来提供足够多的激励仅仅通过交易手续费来争取网络。如果我们达成一致,比如到,“1亿ETH而且永远不会再多“到某一天的原则,我们可能会让我们置于一个相当深的洞里,如果研究最后显示,低通货膨胀(或者更复杂些,像“预期”低通货紧缩,但是在Casper参与度低时可能会低通货膨胀)是唯一安全的前进方式。类似地,“创建一种可以永久持续地合约”是在某种程度上经济危险的。所以,对于这类为题的原则,我们需要在后面会确定下来。

    1. Concerns about moral hazard are, in this case, IMO overblown; on the contrary, despite the fork, I have been extremely impressed by the sheer number of formal verification and other secure contract programming projects that have recently emerged in academia. Writing this from inside the middle of an Ethereum research workshop in Cornell, I am very optimistic that the number of bugs in code will decrease greatly over the next year.

    2. 对于道德危害的关心,在这次事件中,我认为有些夸张;反之,尽管分叉了,我对一些在学术上浮现出来的,形式证明和一些安全编写智能合约项目,印象深刻。在Cornell大学Ethereum研究室中间,写下这些,我非常乐观地认为在明年在代码上的bugs会大幅度的降低。

    4b) This does however mean that there is now a much larger burden on high-level language developers, and I personally do not have the time or ability to maintain Serpent at a level that I personally find satisfactory. I am personally continuing to use it as a language for experimenting with Casper simulations, but I welcome proposals from the community for how and if it can find a niche in other contexts.

    4b) 尽管如此,它意味着高级语言的开发者会承受更大的压力,我个人也没有时间和能力去维护Serpent到达一个让我满意的水平。我个人会继续使用Serpent作为体验模拟Casper的语言,但是我也欢迎社区的意见,关于如何和是否可以找到其他需求在其他情况下。



