Vocabulary:Daily Objects
Adoor 一扇门
This is a door. 这是一扇门。
A window 一扇窗
This is a window. 这是一扇窗。
A chair 一把椅子
This is a chair. 这是一把椅子。
Stairs 楼梯
These are stairs. 这是楼梯。 pronoun. plural of "this"
A key 一把钥匙
This is a key. 这是一把钥匙。
Q: Where is the window?---This is a window.
Q: Where are the stairs?---These are stairs.
Q: Where are the key?---This is a key.
A book 一本书
This is abook.这是一本书。
A desk一张桌子 noun. a table that you sit at to read, write, work, ect.
This is a desk. 这是一张桌子。
A pencil 一支笔
This is a pencil. 这是一支笔。
A cell phone一部手机 a small telephone that people can take with them=moblie phone
This is a cell phone. 这是一部手机。
A pen 一支钢笔
This is a pen. 这是一支钢笔。
Q: Where is the desk?---This is a desk.
Q: Where is the cellphone?---This is a cell phone.
Q: Where is the pen?---This is a pen.
A door 一扇门
d-o-o-r 门
A window 一扇窗
w-i-n-d-o-w 窗户
A chair 一把椅子
c-h-a-i-r 椅子
Stairs 楼梯
s-t-a-i-r-s 楼梯
A key 一把钥匙
k-e-y 钥匙
A book 一本书
b-o-o-k 书本
A desk 一张桌子
d-e-s-k 桌子
A pencil 一支铅笔
p-e-n-c-i-l 铅笔
A cell phone一部手机 noun. a telephone
c-e-l-l p-h-o-n-e 手机
A pen 一支钢笔
p-e-n 钢笔