

作者: 余论古今 | 来源:发表于2018-12-17 18:35 被阅读0次

    皇帝在位时期,对于艺术类特别喜爱,当时国力昌盛。百姓没有战乱困扰,其当时的纺织业,瓷器制造业 ,美工雕刻等达到了空前绝后的境界。

    During the emperor's reign, he was very fond of art, and his country was prosperous at that time. The people did not suffer from war, and their textile industry, porcelain manufacturing industry and art sculpture reached an unprecedented level at that time.

    乾隆皇帝尤其喜欢造型精美,色泽艳丽的瓷器 字画。当时乾隆皇帝意外得到一件大明宣德年制的天字罐。但是是一件残器。乾隆皇帝回宫之后立即下旨召见当时的宫廷瓷器大师 唐英。其讲到“你若能铸成,官加一级,赏黄金百两;若你不能,记不再损坏。” 可见当时乾隆皇帝是多么喜欢这些精美的东西。

    Emperor Qianlong especially liked fine-shaped and bright-coloured porcelain paintings and calligraphy. At that time, Emperor Qianlong unexpectedly got a Tianzi pot made in Xuande year of Daming Dynasty. But it's a piece of debris. Immediately after Emperor Qianlong returned to the palace, he ordered Tang Ying, the then master of palace porcelain, to be summoned. It says, "If you can make it, add one grade to the official and reward one hundred and two pieces of gold; if you can't, remember that it won't be damaged any more." It can be seen how much Emperor Qianlong liked these exquisite things at that time.


    It is mentioned above that Emperor Qianlong especially loved beautiful and gorgeous things. Now let's talk about the history of "Han Baiyu".

    据历史记载,当时乾隆出游,历经一座小城。入一家餐馆用餐。当时坐的位置靠窗,听见对面叮 叮的敲响声。其撤头看到一位老人在雕琢一件石狮子。手法相当熟悉,时日不长,一件栩栩如生的狮子变产生了。此狮子全身雪白,面部炯炯有神。当时乾隆爷就大加赞赏,派手下叫来了老石匠,以及他那件刚刚完成的石狮子。乾隆皇帝,用手触摸了一下,手感细滑,质地像玉。其因为接触得并不多,便问“你用的什么材质雕刻的?”老石匠答道,这石头是一个朋友从新疆带过来的,具体这一块是什么材质我也说不出来。材质像玉,但是硬度比玉要软。雕琢起来比玉更好上手。乾隆皇帝当时兴起,跟老石匠说道,“此类材质你这边还有么?” 老石匠说还有一些,乾隆皇帝说那你给我雕刻一件。老石匠说我剩下的材质不多只能雕一件小件,您打算雕什么造型?前面说道乾隆皇帝喜欢瓷器 于是讲到,那么就做成盘的造型吧。 老石匠领命后开始雕琢。不到半日一件碗的造型就雕刻好了。问乾隆爷要不要雕什么字体在上面。乾隆皇帝讲到,底部就刻乾隆年制吧。此时,老石匠才知道,原来面前这位是当朝皇帝。老石匠想做的更美观 一点,就以篆体的形式刻出了“乾隆年制”。

    According to historical records, Qianlong traveled through a small town at that time. Dinner in a restaurant. When sitting by the window, I heard the tinkling sound opposite. Turning his head, he saw an old man carving a stone lion. Familiar with the technique, it did not take long for a lifelike lion to come into being. The lion was snow-white and had a bright face. At that time, Master Qianlong greatly praised him and sent his men to call the old Mason and his newly completed stone lion. Emperor Qianlong touched it with his hand. It felt smooth and the texture was like jade. Because they do not have much contact with each other, they ask, "What material do you use to carve?" The old Mason answered that the stone was brought by a friend from Xinjiang, and I can't tell what the material is. The material is like jade, but its hardness is softer than that of jade. It's better at carving than jade. Emperor Qianlong rose at that time and said to the old mason, "Do you still have this kind of material on your side?" The old stonemason said that there were some others. Emperor Qianlong said that you would carve one for me. The old Mason said that I could only carve one small piece of material left over. What shape would you like to carve? The former said that Emperor Qianlong liked porcelain, so he said, then make the shape of a plate. The old Mason took command and began to carve. In less than half a day, the shape of a bowl is carved. Ask Mr. Qianlong if he wants to carve any fonts on it. Emperor Qianlong said that at the bottom, the Qianlong Annual System should be engraved. At this time, the old Mason knew that this was the emperor in front of him. The old Mason wanted to make it more beautiful, so he carved the "Qianlong Annual System" in the form of seal.


    Historic transaction value of collections:


    The Qianlong Jade Bowl, which was auctioned at Lawrence Hong Kong auction in 2018, has a shape size of 10.5CM in diameter and a height of 4.2CM. A white Chinese Jade Bowl with a bottom diameter of 5.4CM is estimated to be worth about HK$168,000. It is said that after two rounds of snapping, the price rose to HK$3.85 million, which was bought by a Singaporean entrepreneur.

    以上藏品乾隆年制汉白玉碟 重:190g一个古董碟初步估计在60万左右,属于罕见,有很高的收藏于升值空间.收藏家们都以能够拥有一件汉白玉碗为荣,一旦拥有,大多秘不示人。所以说,“只要东西好,贵了还能贵”。随着艺术品市场逐渐金融化的趋势,此件以后碗身价飙升,还可以升值。该藏品全身环绕祥云八卦纹图案此类图案在汉白玉系列比较稀少。更为难得 可贵。

    The above collection weighs: 190g of an antique dish is estimated to be about 600,000, which is rare and has a high collection in appreciation space. Collectors are proud to have a Chinese white jade bowl. Once possessed, most of them are secretive. So, "As long as things are good, they can be expensive if they are expensive." With the gradual financialization of the art market, the price of the bowl will soar and appreciate. The collection is surrounded by the Eight Diagrams pattern of Xiangyun, which is rare in the Han Baiyu series. More precious.


    The collection has cooperated with Shenzhen Yuding International Cooperation and has now participated in the transaction.



