tushare安装:pip install tushare
tkinter安装:pip install tkinter
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import tushare as ts
import time
import tkinter
import tkinter.messagebox
import datetime
# 保存代码信息
class tusharemodel():
code: 代码
low: 跌破价格
height: 涨穿价格
def __init__(self, code, low, height):
self.code = code
self.low = low
self.height = height
# 设置当前时间
self.time = datetime.datetime.now()
# 函数
def load():
# 初始化数据
codelist = []
# 先进数通
codelist.append(tusharemodel('300541', 26.9, 27.8))
# 飞天诚信
codelist.append(tusharemodel('300386', 15, 0))
# 天华超净
codelist.append(tusharemodel('300390', 0, 0))
# 日上集团
codelist.append(tusharemodel('002593', 3.7, 0))
# 卧龙电驱
codelist.append(tusharemodel('600580', 10.5, 0))
# 恒信东方
codelist.append(tusharemodel('300081', 10.8, 0))
# 苏垦农发
codelist.append(tusharemodel('601952', 7.05, 0))
# 易尚展示
codelist.append(tusharemodel('002751', 0, 0))
# 国脉科技
codelist.append(tusharemodel('002093', 7.8, 0))
# 汉鼎宇佑
codelist.append(tusharemodel('300300', 10.6, 0))
# 高伟达
codelist.append(tusharemodel('300465', 0, 0))
# 过滤器,得到code(代码)的数组
codes = [outcode.code for outcode in codelist]
while True:
# 获取实时分笔数据 文档:http://tushare.org/trading.html#id6
df = ts.get_realtime_quotes(codes)
# 声明索引
i = 0
# 打印标头
line_new = '{:<12} {:<12} {:<12} {:<14} {:<14} {:<14} {:<14}'.format('代码', '名称', '价格', '买一', '卖一', '成交量', '时间')
while i < len(codes):
# 获取实时价格
price = float(df['price'].values[i])
# 筛选器,得到某个集合(单个对象的集合)
outdata = [outcode for outcode in codelist if outcode.code == codes[i]]
# 是否含有对象
if len(outdata) > 0:
# 将集合 改变 为对象
outdata = outdata[0]
# 价格穿破N时提示,主要用于封板时使用
if price <= outdata.low and outdata.low > 0 and datetime.datetime.now() >= outdata.time:
# 设置N分钟后再提示
outdata.time = datetime.datetime.now() + datetime.timedelta(minutes=5)
# 提示穿破
tkinter.messagebox.showwarning('穿破提示', df['name'].values[i] + ' 快跑!\n穿破' + str(outdata.low))
# print('下次提示时间:' + outdata.time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"))
# 价格破N时提示,主要用于上板时使用
elif price >= outdata.height and outdata.height > 0 and datetime.datetime.now() >= outdata.time:
# 设置N分钟后再提示
outdata.time = datetime.datetime.now() + datetime.timedelta(minutes=5)
# 提示上穿
tkinter.messagebox.showinfo('上穿提示', df['name'].values[i] + ' 入袋为空!\n' + str(outdata.height))
# print('下次提示时间:' + outdata.time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"))
# 打印内容
line_new += '\n{:<12} {:<12} {:<12} {:<14} {:<14} {:<14} {:<14}'.format(
df['bid'].values[i] + '(' + df['b1_v'].values[i] + ')',
df['ask'].values[i] + '(' + df['a1_v'].values[i] + ')',
# 集合索引
i += 1
# 添加换行
line_new += '\n'
# 打印输出数据
# 线程停止,每隔 0.8 秒执行一次 ## 可自定义
if __name__ == '__main__':