作者: Katie_Pan | 来源:发表于2022-05-04 14:06 被阅读0次

    <The Bad Guys> 033

    Release date: 2022-04-29

    Type: Action/Comedy/Drama

    Running time: 100 mins

    Recommendation Rate: ★★★★★

    Four questions:

    1、What’s the main idea and the message or value of the movie that the director is going to convey?

    Waiting for the kindness flower to blossom. Good guys are not real good and bad guys are not real and always bad.

    2、Find three points that most touching or what you think is the most important details(conversation、picture or plot).

    A/ The bad wolf was stealing valuable things and money from party participants. When he was putting his hands in a grandma's purse, grandma almost fell down from the stairs, wolf saved her. She touched wolf's head and said, you are a good boy. Wolf looked at grandma's back and thought of the words-good boy. His tail couldn't help wagging. People will feel on top of the world when praised by the others, no matter they are telling the truth or not. The moment touched wolf and ignited the good will in his heart. Actually, we only need a moment or a word as a trigger to wake up us. Anyone can be good, because we were born good.

    B/ Wolf and snake are brothers. When wolf decied to be good, snake didn't forgive him and thought wolf betrayed them. Snake decided to help guinea pig, real bad guy disguised as a scientist. Even though, wolf wouldn't abandon snake and came back to save him. The real friends relationship touched me and the moment snake gave the sugar to shark to comfort him impressed me. As the most selfish snake, never share with other, he gave the last and only sugar to shark. The worst guys can be changed.

    C/ The governer fox was the most famous criminal, the best stealer. But she realized that she can do something good and meaningful for the others, so they won't hate her and the most important is that she will feel happy inside. There is a scene the five bad guys all wag their body or tail to feel the real happiness. It tells us that doing good things are the key to be a happy person. 

    3、What did you learn from the movie?

          Never judge people from their titles, appearances or words. See what they really did.   

    Give bad guys a chance to regret and change to good.

    4、The background of the story

    Wolf、snake、shark、spide and piranha are bad guys. They rob、steal and do bad things.



