

作者: joketer | 来源:发表于2017-02-07 11:32 被阅读32次

Jo- Day23-2017-0206 Monday

“When people succeed, it is because of hard work. Luck has nothing to do with it.” Do you agree or disagree with the quotation above? Use specific reasons and examples to explain your position.

誊写版:331 words, 修改时间:1 hour

We do not choose our parents, our gender, or our nationality, all dependent on luck. Yet luck plays a part no less critical than hard work on our way to success that should not be ignored.

To begin with, people in an affluent family has more chance to succeed. Born into a wealthier middle-class household, the person is guaranteed better quality of life, more positive parenting and enlightening schooling. These privileges clearly contribute to the development of intelligence for this individual through the critical time of upbringing including childhood and adolescence. In contrast, those born in a poor family or worse, in a country with no civil rights such as gender equality or basic welfare, will be deprived of considerable opportunities they need to achieve any aspiration.

Moreover, it is much easier for people to further build on this existing pool of endowed resources, helpful to continued success. Naturally, such people will more likely meet classmates or colleagues of similar family status, intelligence level, or intellectual competence, forming an environment with more positive incentives for their further maturation and self-improvement. This enabling network will in turn be much conducive to a higher possibility of academic or career success later on.

Last but not least, to say luck plays a part doesn't deny the essential value of individual endeavor. After all, there have been so many who, against all odds, finally managed to claw and scratch their way and emerged from a poor family, a failing school or even a crime-infested community or a down-trodden nation. These folks, who had nothing else to draw strength from, still proved the upward mobility completely on their own through unremitting hard work.

In conclusion, whether or not we have the luck to be born in a more empowering environment, it is crucial to recognize the significant role played by this luck and in the meantime, have faith in the fact that luck will surface and be harnessed for those who are committed to hard work.

初稿 Word Count: 285  

30 minutes

Whether we owe success to hard work or pure luck is a perennial debate. Personally, I think luck plays an important part on our way to success that should not be ignored.

To begin with, people with an abundant family has more chance to succeed. Born into a wealthier middle-class household, the person is guaranteed better quality of life, more positive parenting and schooling. These privileges clearly contribute to the development of intelligence for this individual through the critical time of upbringing including childhood and adolescence.

Moreover, it is much easier for people to further build on this existing pool of endowed resources which will prove helpful to the continued success. Such people will more likely meet classmates or colleagues of similar family status, intelligence level, or intellectual competence, serving as positive incentives for their maturation and self-improvement. This enabling network will in turn be much conducive to a higher possibility of academic or career success later on.

Last but not least, to say luck plays a part doesn't deny the essential value of individual endeavor. After all, there have been so many people who, against all odds, finally managed to emerge from a poor family, a failing school or even a crime-infested community or a war-torn country. These folks, who have nothing else to draw strength on, still proved the upward mobility completely on their own through hard work.

In conclusion, whether we have the luck to be born in a wealthy family and study or work in a more empowering environment, it is crucial to recognize the significance of the role played by luck and in the meantime, never succumb to defeat but rather, with a positive mindset let luck begets luck.


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