tamales: 塔马利(西班牙語:tamal,纳瓦特尔语:tamalli),又译达玛尔、墨西哥粽,是中部美洲的传统食品。 由马萨或面团(通常基于玉米的淀粉)包裹在玉米壳或香蕉叶的外皮中蒸熟,外皮在吃之前丢弃。 塔马利可以填以肉、奶酪、水果、蔬菜、辣椒或任何根据口味提前作好的食物。 塔马利起源于公元前8000到5000年的中部美洲。
Can I have the floor please: to have the right to speak at a public meeting.
RSVP 请回复Répondez s'il vous plaît.(法语)
shut someone out: keep someone or something out of a place or situation.
get it over with: complete an unpleasant or tedious but necessary task promptly. "come on, let's get it over with"
get down: enjoy oneself by being uninhibited, especially with friends in a social setting. "get down and party!"
I don't know how it's gonna go down.???我不知道这件事如何收场???
back down: to withdraw from a commitment or position
in the slightest: You use in the slightest to emphasize a negative statement. [emphasis] That doesn't interest me in the slightest.
put a stop to this: If you put a stop to something that you do not like or approve of, you prevent it from happening or continuing. His daughter should have stood up and put a stop to all these rumours. See full dictionary entry for stop.
bested 被击败
underbelly: the soft underside or abdomen of an animal. an area vulnerable to attack.
upbring: to rear or raise (a child); bring up
prius: Prius is a Latin word meaning "first", "original", "superior" or "to go before". ... As with all neuter words, the Latin plural is priora 一款车的名字 发音是PREE-US
sasquatche: 大腳怪(Bigfoot、Sasquatch),又称大腳或北美野人,是一種未知的靈長類生物,出現在北美洲民俗學中,牠們棲息在偏遠的叢林中,範圍主要是在美國太平洋西北地區與加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚等地區。
clank down 挂电话的声音
get chewed out: to speak angrily to someone because they have done something wrong.
attaboy 顶好! 痛快痛快,好样的!