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L3-U2-P1 英语流利说 3-2-1 懂你英语 Level3

L3-U2-P1 英语流利说 3-2-1 懂你英语 Level3

作者: Zeda_BAE | 来源:发表于2019-02-20 20:06 被阅读6次

    L3-U2-P1-1 Listening : States of Matter

    States of Matter

    Matter is made of atoms and molecules.

    Water, for example, is the H2O molecule.

    This means that a molecule of water have 3 atoms.

    A water molecule has two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom.

    Substances like sugar have many atoms in their molecules.

    A molecule of sugar has many atoms, including carbon, hydrogen and oxygen.

    What is H2O? - It's the water molecule.

    Matter is made of atoms and molecules.

    Matter is made of molecules, such as H2O, which is the water molecule.

    Matter can be one of three states, solid, liquid or gas.

    Water and ice are the same substance, but they are in different states.

    These states depend on the temperature of the molecules.

    When we heat a substance, the molecules move faster and try to take up more space.

    When we cool a substance, the molecules move more slowly.

    When we cool a substance to its freezing point, it becomes a solid.

    How many states of matter are there? -There are three states of matter.

    What happens if we cool a substance to its freezing point? -When we cool a substance to its freezing point, it becomes a solid.

    Water and ice are the same substance,but they are in different states.

    In a solid, the molecules move very little.

    Their positions are almost fixed.

    To be fixed means that their positions don’t change.

    If we heat the molecules, they move faster and away from each other.

    The solid begins to melt, like ice cream on a hot day.

    In which state are the molecules almost fixed? - In a solid, the molecules move very little.

    The solid begins to melt, like ice cream on a hot day.

    Matter is made of atoms and molecules.

    Their positions are almost fixed.

    To change a soild into a liquid, add heat.

    A molecule of sugar has many atoms, including carbon, hydrogen and oxygen.

    Water and ice are the same substance, but they are in different states.

    At a certain temperature, a solid begins to change into a liquid.

    The temperature at which a solid changes into a liquid depends on the substance.

    For water, the solid begins to change into a liquid when its temperature rises to about 0 degree Celsius.

    For some substances, such as steel, the temperature at which it becomes a liquid is much higher.

    Steel often melts at around 1370 degrees Celsius.

    What does the melting temperature depend on? -The temperature at which a solid changes into a liquid depends on the substance.

    At a certain temperature, a solid begins to change into a liquid.

    If we continue to heat a liquid, the molecules move even faster.

    At a certain temperature, the liquid begins to change into a gas.

    For water, the liquid begins to change into a gas at 100 degrees Celsius.

    That is the boiling point of water.

    What happens if we continue to heat a liquid? - If we continue to heat a liquid, the molecules move even faster.

    If we continue to heat a liquid, the molecules move even faster.

    Inside a star, such as our Sun, the temperature is very high.

    Everything inside the Sun is a gas.

    According to scientists, there are over 65 elements inside the Sun.

    These include oxygen and iron.

    Over 90 percent of the Sun is hydrogen gas.

    What is the temperature inside a star? Inside a star, such as our Sun, the temperature is very high.

    According to scientiststhere are over 65 elements inside the Sun.

    That is the boiling point of water.

    Over 90 percent of the Sun is hydrogen gas.

    For some substances, such as steel, the temperature at which it becomes a liquid is much higher.

    For water, the liquid begins to change into a gas at 100 degrees Celsius.

    L3-U2-P1-2 Listening : Test Results

    Test Results

    Yesterday there was an important science test.

    Lisa, Tom and 20 other classmates took the test.

    The test was about the states of matter and how they are different.

    There were 25 questions on the test, and they had 45 minutes to take it.

    What happened yesterday? - There was an important science test.

    How long did they have to take the test? -They had 45 minutes to take the test.

    The test was about the states of matter and how they are different.

    Here are some of the test results.

    Two students got perfect scores.

    The lowest score was 68 out of a hundred.

    The average score was 86.3.

    Eleven students scored higher than average.

    Eleven students had below average scores.

    What was the average score? -The average score was 86.3.

    How many students got perfect scores?Two students got perfect scores.

    Eleven students scored higher than average.

    Two students got perfect scores.

    The lowest score was 68 out of a hundred.

    The test was about the states of matter.

    There were 25 questions on the test, and they had 45 minutes to take it.

    The test was about the states of matter and how they are different.

    Tom missed two questions on the test, so his score was 92.

    His score was the eighth highest in the class.

    Lisa missed two and a half questions, so her score was 90.

    Her score was the tenth highest score.

    Her score was 4 points higher than the average score.

    How many questions did Tom miss? -Tom missed two questionson the test, so his score was 92.

    How many students scored higher than Tom? -Seven students scored higher than Tom did.

    Lisa was disappointed with her test results.

    She studied hard for the test, but she still didn’t do well.

    As a result, she plans to study harder for the next test.

    The next test will be in about two weeks.

    When is the next test going to be? - The next test will be in about two weeks.

    How did Lisa feel about her test results? -Lisa was disappointed with her test results.

    She studied hard for the test, but she still didn’t do well.

    Tom was surprised and happy with his test results.

    He didn’t study hard, so his result was better than he expected.

    He was also happy that he did better than Lisa did.

    Tom was surprised and happy with his test results.

    Lisa was disappointed with her test results.

    The next test will be in about two weeks.

    Her score was 4 points higher than the average score.

    Lisa missed two and a half questions, so her score was 90.

    She studied hard for the test, but she still didn’t do well.

    L3-U2-P1-3 Vocabulary : Emotions


    She is screaming because she is really scared.

    Something is chasing her, so she is screaming for help.

    He's shouting because he is angry.

    When he's really angry, he often shouts like this.

    She's sleeping because she's tired.

    Last night she didn’t get enough sleep, so today she has no energy.

    She’s crying because she’s sad.

    She got some bad news a few minutes ago.

    She’s smiling because she’s happy.

    Her boyfriend just called and he is returning from a long trip.

    Who is screaming for help? Something is chasing her, so she is screaming for help.

    Who looks really angry?When he's really angry, he often shouts like this.

    Who is crying because she got some bad news? She got some bad news, so she is crying.

    Who is smiling? - She’s smiling because she’s happy.

    When he's really angry, he often shouts like this.

    Last night she didn’t get enough sleep,so today she has no energy.

    She is screaming because she is really scared.

    She's sad because she got some bad news.

    When he's really angry, he often shouts like this.

    Something is chasing her, so she is screaming for help.

    She got some bad news a few minutes ago.

    L3-U2-P1-4 Vocabulary : Hobbies


    This man is hiking up a mountain trail.

    He is wearing hiking boots and is carrying a pack on his back.

    This man enjoys cooking.

    He attends a cooking class once a week.

    This woman enjoys gardening.

    She grows flowers, such as roses, and vegetables, such as tomatoes in her garden.

    This boy loves playing games.

    He likes all kinds of games, including this video game on his computer.

    This old couple enjoys traveling.

    They take several trips a year, often to different countries.

    Who is wearing hiking boots? - He is wearing hiking boots and is carrying a pack on his back.

    Who attends a cooking class once a week? He attends a cooking class once a week.

    This old couple enjoys traveling.

    They take several trips a year, often to different countries.

    This man enjoys cooking.

    This woman enjoys gardening.

    This man is hiking up a mountain trail.

    He is wearing hiking boots and is carrying a pack on his back.

    She grows flowers, such as roses, and vegetables, such as tomatoes in her garden.

    L3-U2-P1-5 Dialogue : Ready for the Meeting

    Ready for the Meeting

    W: Oh, there you are, finally.

    M: Yeah, I’m sorry.

    W: Why are you so late?You were supposed to be here 30 minutes ago.

    M: I got on the wrong subway by mistake.

    When was he supposed to be there? -He was supposed to be there 30 minutes ago.

    I got on the wrong subway by mistake.

    W: Why didn’t you call?I was really worried.

    M: I don’t have my phone.I left it in the office because I was in such a hurry to get here.

    W: OK, well, you’re here now.We don’t have much time.

    M: Yes, we'll have to hurry.The meeting starts in 15 minutes, right?

    W: Yes, it's supposed to if everyone gets here on time.

    What did he leave in the office? - He left his phone in the office.

    "To hurry" means " to walk fast and not waste time".

    I left it in the office because I was in such a hurry to get here.

    W: Did you read my presentation?

    M: Yes, I did.It’s good and but it’s a bit too long.I’m afraid there won’t be enough time for questions.

    W: Do you have any suggestions?

    M: Yes, I do.I think the company introduction can be cut in half.They know what we do.

    W: OK, I won’t show the video. It’s about 2 minutes long.

    M: That’s a good idea.The video was on our website and it’s not that good anyway.

    What is she going to do at the meeting? -She's going to give a presentation.

    What is she going to cut from her presentation? - She isn't going to show the video at the meeting.

    I’m afraid there won’t be enough time for questions.

    W: Do you have any other suggestions?

    M: No, I don’t.I’m sure you'll do a great job.Are you ready?

    W:Yes, I’m ready.The meeting room is on the 21st floor.

    M: OK. Let’s go.

    What is she ready for? - She's ready for her presentation.

    She's ready to give her presentation at the meeting.

    I’m afraid there won’t be enough time for questions.

    Do you have any suggestions?

    It’s good and but it’s a bit too long.

    I think the company introduction can be cut in half.

    The video was on our website and it’s not that good anyway.

    L3-U2-P1-6 Dialogue : Discussing Test Results

    Discussing Test Results

    Lisa: How did you do on yesterday's science test?

    Tom: I did better than expected.How about you?

    Lisa: I didn’t do very well.I expected to do better than I did.

    Tom: What was your score?

    Lisa: I got a 90.What about you?

    Tom: I got a 92.I only missed 2 questions.

    How did he do on the test?He did better than expected.

    She didn't do as well as she expected.

    He did better than expected.

    I expected to do better than I did.

    She was disappointed with how she did on the test.

    She didn't do as well as she expected.

    Lisa: So you did better than I did.And I really study for it too.

    Tom: That is a surprise. You usually do better than I do.

    Lisa: Yes, I wasn't careful.I made one really stupid mistake.

    Tom: What was it?

    Lisa: I said 90% of the sun is Helium instead of hydrogen.

    Tom: Wow, that was a stupid mistake.

    Why was he surprised by the results? He did better than she did.

    She didn't do well because she wasn't careful enough.

    Tom: What was the average score for the class?Do you know?

    Lisa: The average score was 86.3 and the lowest was 68.

    Tom: Do you know who got the lowest test score?

    Lisa: No, I don’t.I don’t know who got the lowest score. It’s probably a secret.

    Tom: Did anyone get a perfect score?

    Lisa: I think Ada and Sanjay both got perfect scores.

    Tom: Yes, they always do well.I wish I were as smart as they are.

    What was the average test score? -The average score was 86.3.

    I wish I were as smart as they are.

    I don’t know who got the lowest score.

    I wish I were as smart as they are.

    I made one really stupid mistake.

    She didn't do well because she wasn't careful enough.

    She usually does better than he does, but this time he did better.



        本文标题:L3-U2-P1 英语流利说 3-2-1 懂你英语 Level3
