C I/O (input/output)

C I/O (input/output)

作者: 玖_氼乚 | 来源:发表于2018-12-29 22:13 被阅读0次

    Two commonly used functions for I/O (Input/Output) are

    • printf()
    • scanf()

    The scanf() function reads formatted input from standard input (keyboard) whereas the printf() function sends formatted output to the standard output (screen).

    🌲C output (="hello world")

    C output

    🍀#include <stdio.h>
    🍀int main()
    🍀 printf("C Programming");
    🍀 return 0;

    • All valid C program must contain the main() function. The code execution begins from the start of main() function.

    • The printf() is a library function to send formatted output to the screen. The printf() function is declared in "stdio.h" header file.

    • Here, stdio.h is a header file (standard input output header file) and #include is a preprocessor directive to paste the code from the header file when necessary. When the compiler encounters printf() function and doesn't find stdio.h header file, compiler shows error.

    • The return 0; statement is the "Exit status" of the program.

    🌲integer output

    integer output

    🍀#include <stdio.h>
    🍀int main()
    🍀 int testInteger = 5;
    🍀 printf("Number = %d", testInteger);
    🍀 return 0;

    • Inside the quotation of printf() function, there is a format string "%d" (for integer). If the format string matches the argument (testInteger in this case), it is displayed on the screen.

    🌲integer input/output

    integer input/output

    🍀#include <stdio.h>
    🍀int main()
    🍀 int testInteger;
    🍀 printf("Enter an integer: ");
    🍀 scanf("%d",&testInteger);
    🍀 printf("Number = %d",testInteger);
    🍀 return 0;

    🌲floats input/output

    floats input/output

    🍀#include <stdio.h>
    🍀int main()
    🍀 float f;
    🍀 printf("Enter a number: ");
    🍀 scanf("%f",&f);
    🍀 printf("Value = %f", f);
    🍀 return 0;

    • The format string "%f" is used to read and display formatted in case of floats.

    🌲character input/output

    character input/output

    🍀#include <stdio.h>
    🍀int main()
    🍀 char chr;
    🍀 printf("Enter a character: ");
    🍀 scanf("%c",&chr);
    🍀 printf("You entered %c.",chr);
    🍀 return 0;

    • Format string %c is used in case of character types.

    🌲ASCII Code

    • When a character is entered in the above program, the character itself is not stored. Instead, a numeric value(ASCII value) is stored.

    • And when we displayed that value using "%c" text format, the entered character is displayed.

    The ASCII value of character 'g' is 103. When, 'g' is entered, 103 is stored in variable var1 instead of g.

    🍀#include <stdio.h>
    🍀int main()
    🍀 char chr;
    🍀 printf("Enter a character: ");
    🍀 scanf("%c",&chr);
    🍀 printf("You entered %c.\n",chr);
    🍀 printf("ASCII value of %c is %d.", chr, chr);
    🍀 return 0;

    🌲character input/output

    reference: programiz



          本文标题:C I/O (input/output)
