生存与寂寞 2021-02-26

生存与寂寞 2021-02-26

作者: skymirfight | 来源:发表于2021-02-26 19:32 被阅读0次

    I don't know where to start. The beginning, maybe. The beginning, maybe. Happened? In a funeral. When my force anchors o. Great. Technology. Channel g.切诺基。Appears in that. Very small village. Shut the fuck up. I know this is a. Dominated mine! Man men. Wanting toDominate everyPeople in that funeral. The fucking truth is. Everyone in his eyes. And not people. There are not people. To him. 这样just kind ofRecite. On this planet. And their eyes. Eyesight. Over the heads of this. Fucking village. And his dream of an emperor. Become true. Maybe. I'm envision him. Maybe i'm jealous on him. And his. 上瘾low。In law. His son in law. Whispered to somebody. Who's this guy? 哦!Whose is fucking guy? And I know. Hey, either. Hopeless. He doesn't have. Objective idea. On the是Fucking village. On those fucking people. Even嗯。Those fucking relief. Relatives. Maybe China is dying. But the truth. isThis earth, this very earth is dying. We are just theSide kicks or side current? Where's this big flow? With this. Main flow. Disappointing. Question mark. I'm not sure of that. 唉,那他妈啥子?But my father. Really disappointed me? Maybe the. Maybe I should say. I'm a disappointed on him. On the other side. Maybe we. Cannot see each other. And what is truth? What is the? Future. Just a living. Living in this. World. With follow. Loneliness.

    Maybe my. On enclosed. Quantum chain. Is the party? Is aa parting? A parting. Jim. Disappointing. Separating. I have no more. Communicate. Vibrating. With this water. With this woman. World. Maybe it's a luxury. Tonight somebody. And stand you! To let somebodyLight. Understand you. I know it's hard. But I don't think it's complicated.我要just lazy。We are just lazy. 我要just indulgence。And I have no more energy forExpressing这是end。I don't know why. My father elevation. My father always. Telling me. Those things about my. Powerful ankle. Wealthy uncles! And those ankles withLots of authorities. 这才是the greeting。只要这次greedy to this party to this。Country. And my father. Look up to them. Looks up to them. Killing him is a. Very good solution. But to me. It's not easy. Ni have so many entitlement? With his death. So we are just wasting our love. And living together. Our mind are all twisting. And I cannot. 受his loneliness。So. So. So五。i Solution of his loneliness.



          本文标题:生存与寂寞 2021-02-26
