美剧天天见:《马男波杰克》口语精华 02

美剧天天见:《马男波杰克》口语精华 02

作者: 希拉李 | 来源:发表于2016-10-04 13:07 被阅读0次

1.Get over here 快点过来

2. Are you all set for your first day with Diane tomorrow? 你准备好明天和戴安的合作了吗?

3.Catty 阴险狡猾的

He is a snake. 他是一个卑鄙的小人

4.You have decency to at least feel a little bit crappy about it.你可以至少会觉得良心不安。

5.You are used to getting away with things.你已经习惯随心所欲了

6.I have dibs on them.我对他们有优先选择权

7. Normal rules are not applied to you.日常规则不适用于你

8. A rough day 今天过得不顺利

9.Make you better than everyone 让你觉得自己高人一等

10.How did I come off? 我表现的怎么样?

11.That went slightly better than the worst.情况本来可以更糟糕呢

12.You slack off 你偷懒了

13.Uneventful 很平淡

I hate such an unevenful life 我讨厌这样平淡无味的生活

14.You take it in a twisted way.你曲解了我的想法

15. If you don't swallow your pride, it will never let up. 如果你不放下你的身段,这件事情不会过去

16.I will put you hold on for a second 你先等一下

17.That is the most cowardly thing a person can do 最明显的诺夫行为

18.Golds never strike 天上不会掉馅饼

19.It is a pun 双关

20.Save the day 帮了个大忙

21.My credit card has been declined for no reason我的信用卡不知道为什么被拒刷了

22.Stale food 不新鲜的食物

23.They just want to hear what they already believe. 他们只愿意听自己深信不疑的话语

24.You are going to have to open up你得对我敞开心扉



      本文标题:美剧天天见:《马男波杰克》口语精华 02
