使用Travis CI给你的Github项目自动生成Doxyge

使用Travis CI给你的Github项目自动生成Doxyge

作者: 两顿饭2 | 来源:发表于2018-01-26 16:20 被阅读0次

    Travis CI 是一个基于云的持续集成项目,提供免费的云主机替你完成自动编译测试等功能。可以利用它做很多事情,一键发布什么的,岂不美哉?

    Doxygen 是一个生成参考文档的工具,它直接抽取代码中一定格式的注释生成html站点或者pdf文档。因为文档是通过注释生成的,所以不用刻意维护,很方便。

    本文介绍如何利用Travis CI 每次push代码后,自动在 gh-pages 分支生成新的 Doxygen 文档网站。

    首先注册Travis CI然后同步你的工程

    直接用你的github账号登陆,然后Sync account就能看到你的项目列表了

    创建个干净的 gh-pages 分支先

    GitHub的gh-pages分支可以自动建站,参考Github Pages

    cd /你的项目目录
    git checkout --orphan gh-pages
    git rm -rf .
    echo "My gh-pages branch" > README.md
    git add .
    git commit -a -m "Clean gh-pages branch"
    git push origin gh-pages


    这个脚本将会调用DOXYFILE 配置生成文档然后提交到 gh-pages 分支

    生成DOXYFILE配置文件,放在 项目根目录


    INPUT                  =  $(TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR)

    创建脚本 generateDocumentationAndDeploy.sh 放在 项目根目录

    # Title         : generateDocumentationAndDeploy.sh
    # Date created  : 2016/02/22
    # Notes         :
    __AUTHOR__="Jeroen de Bruijn"
    # Preconditions:
    # - Packages doxygen doxygen-doc doxygen-latex doxygen-gui graphviz
    #   must be installed.
    # - Doxygen configuration file must have the destination directory empty and
    #   source code directory with a $(TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR) prefix.
    # - An gh-pages branch should already exist. See below for mor info on hoe to
    #   create a gh-pages branch.
    # Required global variables:
    # - TRAVIS_BUILD_NUMBER : The number of the current build.
    # - TRAVIS_COMMIT       : The commit that the current build is testing.
    # - DOXYFILE            : The Doxygen configuration file.
    # - GH_REPO_NAME        : The name of the repository.
    # - GH_REPO_REF         : The GitHub reference to the repository.
    # - GH_REPO_TOKEN       : Secure token to the github repository.
    # For information on how to encrypt variables for Travis CI please go to
    # https://docs.travis-ci.com/user/environment-variables/#Encrypted-Variables
    # or https://gist.github.com/vidavidorra/7ed6166a46c537d3cbd2
    # For information on how to create a clean gh-pages branch from the master
    # branch, please go to https://gist.github.com/vidavidorra/846a2fc7dd51f4fe56a0
    # This script will generate Doxygen documentation and push the documentation to
    # the gh-pages branch of a repository specified by GH_REPO_REF.
    # Before this script is used there should already be a gh-pages branch in the
    # repository.
    ##### Setup this script and get the current gh-pages branch.               #####
    echo 'Setting up the script...'
    # Exit with nonzero exit code if anything fails
    set -e
    # Create a clean working directory for this script.
    mkdir code_docs
    cd code_docs
    # Get the current gh-pages branch
    git clone -b gh-pages https://git@$GH_REPO_REF
    cd $GH_REPO_NAME
    ##### Configure git.
    # Set the push default to simple i.e. push only the current branch.
    git config --global push.default simple
    # Pretend to be an user called Travis CI.
    git config user.name "Travis CI"
    git config user.email "travis@travis-ci.org"
    # Remove everything currently in the gh-pages branch.
    # GitHub is smart enough to know which files have changed and which files have
    # stayed the same and will only update the changed files. So the gh-pages branch
    # can be safely cleaned, and it is sure that everything pushed later is the new
    # documentation.
    rm -rf *
    ##### Generate the Doxygen code documentation and log the output.          #####
    echo 'Generating Doxygen code documentation...'
    # Redirect both stderr and stdout to the log file AND the console.
    doxygen $DOXYFILE 2>&1 | tee doxygen.log
    ##### Upload the documentation to the gh-pages branch of the repository.   #####
    # Only upload if Doxygen successfully created the documentation.
    # Check this by verifying that the html directory and the file html/index.html
    # both exist. This is a good indication that Doxygen did it's work.
    if [ -d "html" ] && [ -f "html/index.html" ]; then
        echo 'Uploading documentation to the gh-pages branch...'
        # Add everything in this directory (the Doxygen code documentation) to the
        # gh-pages branch.
        # GitHub is smart enough to know which files have changed and which files have
        # stayed the same and will only update the changed files.
        git add --all
        # Commit the added files with a title and description containing the Travis CI
        # build number and the GitHub commit reference that issued this build.
        git commit -m "Deploy code docs to GitHub Pages Travis build: ${TRAVIS_BUILD_NUMBER}" -m "Commit: ${TRAVIS_COMMIT}"
        # Force push to the remote gh-pages branch.
        # The ouput is redirected to /dev/null to hide any sensitive credential data
        # that might otherwise be exposed.
        git push --force "https://${GH_REPO_TOKEN}@${GH_REPO_REF}" > /dev/null 2>&1
        echo '' >&2
        echo 'Warning: No documentation (html) files have been found!' >&2
        echo 'Warning: Not going to push the documentation to GitHub!' >&2
        exit 1

    创建Travis CI的配置脚本


    创建脚本.travis.yml放在 项目根目录

    修改<your_repo>为你的项目名,<your_name> 你的github用户名

    # This will run on Travis' 'new' container-based infrastructure
    sudo: false
    # Blacklist
        - gh-pages
    # Environment variables
        - GH_REPO_NAME: <your_repo>
        - DOXYFILE: $TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/<Doxyfile>
        - GH_REPO_REF: github.com/<your_name>/<your_repo>.git
    # Install dependencies
          - doxygen
          - doxygen-doc
          - doxygen-latex
          - doxygen-gui
          - graphviz
    # Build your code e.g. by calling make
      - make
    # Generate and deploy documentation
      - cd $TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR
      - chmod +x generateDocumentationAndDeploy.sh
      - ./generateDocumentationAndDeploy.sh

    给Travis CI提供授权

    Travis CI发布到分支需要GitHub的授权,搞一个GitHub私钥给它吧。


    进入GitHub的 私钥页面 ,点 Generate new token 新建,Token description 随便填个别搞混就行。Select scopes勾选repo下的 public_repo就好,不用给太多权限。点绿绿的generated token按钮生成秘钥,存下你的秘钥,就这一次机会,关页面就没了。

    Travis CI添加秘钥

    参考 Travis CI 设置变量文档。进入Travis CI项目的settings页面,在Environment Variables列 NameGH_REPO_TOKENValue填刚才的秘钥。 Display value in build log 不要开,不然秘钥就公开了。最后点击Add完成设置。









        本文标题:使用Travis CI给你的Github项目自动生成Doxyge
