GitHub-Personal Access Token创建和说

GitHub-Personal Access Token创建和说

作者: 呆呆笨 | 来源:发表于2020-07-02 15:05 被阅读0次




    在左边目录中找到Developer settings


    在子目录中找到Personal access tokens


    选中Generate new token




    勾选token权限,点击 Generate token

    以下为token的OAuth scopes(作用域范围说明)官网文档

    Name Description
    repo Full control of private repositories
    repo:status Access commit status
    repo_deployment Access deployment status
    public_repo Access public repositories
    repo:invite Access repository invitations
    security_events Read and write security events
    write:packages Upload packages to github package registry
    read:packages Download packages from github package registry
    delete:packages Delete packages from github package registry
    admin:org Full control of orgs and teams, read and write org projects
    write:org Read and write org and team membership, read and write org projects
    read:org Read org and team membership, read org projects
    admin:public_key Full control of user public keys
    write:public_key Write user public keys
    read:public_key Read user public keys
    admin:repo_hook Full control of repository hooks
    write:repo_hook Write repository hooks
    read:repo_hook Read repository hooks
    admin:org_hook Full control of organization hooks
    gist Create gists
    notifications Access notifications
    user Update all user data
    read:user Read all user profile data
    user:email Access user email addresses (read-only)
    user:follow Follow and unfollow users
    delete_repo Delete repositories
    write:discussion Read and write team discussions
    read:discussion Read team discussions
    admin:enterprise Full control of enterprises
    manage_billing:enterprise Read and write enterprise billing data
    read:enterprise Read enterprise profile data
    workflow Update github action workflows
    admin:gpg_key Full control of public user gpg keys (Developer Preview)
    write:gpg_key Write public user gpg keys
    read:gpg_key Read public user gpg keys



          本文标题:GitHub-Personal Access Token创建和说
