Winter is coming

Winter is coming

作者: 于帅Jacob | 来源:发表于2018-10-09 22:42 被阅读21次

It‘s so cold these days and it seems like winter is coming. I expected autumn in the summer and now I expect winter in the autumn days. But living in the city, we only could feel the change of seasons by the change of temperature. Trees in the city are mostly evergreen trees which couldn't tell us anything by the  falling and sprout of leafs. When I occasionally travel out of the city, I‘ll be surprised by the beautiful views of the nature. I'm sure you have the same feeling.

It'll be more hard for me to run outside. The weather is so cold and when I wake up, it's totally dark outside. If I stop now, all my previous work will be wasted and my belly will swell day by day. What a horrible thing.

Winter is coming and challenges are coming.


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