
作者: 燃心桃桃 | 来源:发表于2020-04-11 19:38 被阅读0次

Hello, everyone. This is  Joanna, over 30 years old, a stay-at -home mother, having three daughters including twins.  I really love English from the bottom of my heart.  And the love will be forever. Since i learnt Tracy's lessons by accident,  Actually she has refreshed my understanding of  English and life.  She is my idol.  I told myself that I will try my best to become such a person, such a teacher, like her, always so real, so honest, frank, kind , and loving.


  • To myself.

    天空一直都是蓝色的 可总有世间的繁琐一点一点得给它渲上颜色 人心奇奇怪怪 但生活在蓝天下的我们 要勇敢一点真实一点...

  • For Myself.

    文/此木成柴 01. 22岁 回顾 更勇敢的遵从自己的一岁,听取自己的心声,不太过度关注外界的评论与是非。...

  • Myself.

    Hello, everyone. This is Joanna, over 30 years old, a sta...

  • 翻译过的书

    reference for myself.

  • Welcome Myself

    Welcome Myself.

  • 2018-01-16

    I hate myself.

  • 2019-06-13

    Best wishes to myself.

  • Change me

    how to get over myself.

  • 无标题文章

    I am fooling myself.

  • Believe in myself.



