Gotham1 episode 10

Gotham1 episode 10

作者: 抖一抖羽毛 | 来源:发表于2020-02-17 10:29 被阅读0次


    1 a long narrow flat piece of wood that is used for making floors, etc.

    2 a main point in the policy of an organization, especially a political party

    (as) thick as two short ˈplanks

    walk the ˈplank

    Putz 白痴

    putz .v

    putz around

    putz .n

    (North American English, informal) a stupid person

    Handy .adj

    1 easy to use or to do

    2 [not before noun] located near to somebody/​something; located or stored in a convenient place

    3 [not before noun] skilful in using your hands or tools to make or repair things

    ➔ SEE ALSO​  handily

    ˌcome in ˈhandy

    Forte 强项

    Artful 狡猾

    [usually before noun]

    1 (disapproving) clever at getting what you want, sometimes by not telling the truth

    2 (of things or actions) designed or done in a clever way

    Credibility 真实性

    Condos 公寓

    (North American English, informal)

    ➔ =​condominium

    1. an apartment building or group of houses in which each flat/​apartment/​

    2. house is owned by the person living in it but the shared areas are owned by everyone together; a flat/​apartment/​

    3. house in such a building or group of houses

    Fence 销赃人

    fence .n

    1. a structure made of wood or wire supported with posts that is put between two areas of land as a boundary, or around a garden/​yard, field, etc. to keep animals in, or to keep people and animals out

    2. a structure that horses must jump over in a race or a competition

    3. (informal) a criminal who buys and sells stolen goods

    Fence .v

    1. [transitive] fence something to surround or divide an area with a fence

    2. [intransitive] to take part in the sport of fencing

    3. [intransitive] fence (with somebody) to speak to somebody in a clever way in order to gain an advantage in the conversation

    Flea 跳蚤市场

    a very small jumping insect without wings, that bites animals and humans and sucks their blood

    with a ˈflea in your ear

    Fella 伙计

    1. an informal way of referring to a man

    2. an informal way of referring to somebodyʼs boyfriend

    Compadre 伙计 

    a friend or somebody with whom you spend a lot of time

    Briefcase 箱子

    a flat case used for carrying papers and documents

    Relentless 无休止的

    1. not stopping or getting less strong

    2. refusing to give up or be less strict or severe

    Disquiet 担心


    disquiet (about/​over something) (formal) feelings of worry and unhappiness about something

    Scapegoat 替罪羊

    scapegoat .n

    a person who is blamed for something bad that somebody else has done or for some failure

    scapegoat .v

    to blame somebody/​something for a failure or for something bad that another person has done

    Overzealous .adj

    showing too much energy or enthusiasm

    No offense 无意冒犯

    Strike sb. as 让人觉得

    Early 30 三十出头

    A tasty fighter 挺能打的人

    Shove off 走开/快走吧

    I’ll stipulate mea culpa. 的确是我的错

    Paid off good 结果不错(剧中反语)

    Cheer up 开心点

    Turn on sb. 背叛某人

    Out loud 对外公开

    Give some context 解释

    Sb. look the other way 背叛

    Sth. Goes both ways 双向的

    Not a dime. 一点也没有

    Freak sb. out 吓唬某人

    Make a move 行动

    Hand to god 对天发誓

    (Sb.) goes by+绰号人称某某

    Wind-up 激怒(当名词用)

    Horrible little toe rag 讨厌的小个子

    Likewise 我也是

    Infringe upon one’s personal interests 损害个人利益

    Put a hit on sb. 派人刺杀某人

    Cut the crap 少废话

    Big wheel 幕后大佬

    When it comes to the crunch… 到了关键时候

    Huff and puff 到处忙活

    Rock-bottom 最低价

    Give me a break 少来这套

    Antique jade netsuke 古董吊坠

    Well-spoken 伶牙俐齿

    A beloved pillar of this community 社会栋梁

    I’m at your disposal 我听你的

    Mark my words 记住我的话

    Walk the line 守规矩(办事)

    Be thrown out in disgrace 受罚被革职

    Thinking out loud 自言自语



          本文标题:Gotham1 episode 10
